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Yea so, my LANG. file suddenly went: "Pfffff you can handle this yourself right?", and disappeared..
I checked all entry points and categories, and yes i had just edited something in it.
What i edited is written bold and Italic
Spoiler below!
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">
He was so close.
[br]All he had to do was finishing the mixture.
[br]It was cold in the basement.
[br]The mixture was nearly boiling when suddenly...
[br]It is the 13th of January, 1978.
[br]He had locked the basement door in fear,
[br]and now realising it was a bad idea...
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_mixture_mix_note_Name">Mixture recipe</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_mixture_mix_note_Text">
1 dL Hydrogen Chloride
[br]2 dL Sulphuric Acid
[br]1 dL Aqua Fortis
[br]Mix Hydrogen Chloride and Sulphuric Acid in a container.
[br]Boil the mixture until it becomes red.
[br]Then add the Aqua Fortis.
<Entry Name="Note_letter_self_1_Name">13th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_letter_self_1_Text">
I can't take this anymore!
It's after me! I must stop it in some way.
I must try everything! There must be a way out.
I believe I saw a recipe of a very strong acid.
There should be all the ingredients I need here.
<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_1_Name">13th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_1_Text">
Hi honey.
[br]I know you are busy in the moment, so I left this note.
[br]I came to think that I forgot my purse
[br]at Jenny's house, so I am going there.
[br]Kate and Tom is with me.
[br]You know how they love, playing with Jenny's kids.
[br]Julia is studying upstairs in the library.
[br]She did not want to come with me,
[br]so she stayed here.
[br]I might not be back until tomorrow.
[br]Have fun.
[br]Goodnight honey.
[br]P.S. I love you
<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_2_Name">11th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_2_Text">
Hi honey
[br]Tom and Kate are sleeping in the bedroom,
[br]next to the stairs, to the local history room.
[br]I will be sleeping in the guest room,
[br]right beside them. I'm locking the door to the bedroom
[br]So the kids won't run out and play while I'm asleep.
[br]I'll keep the key in the guest room.
[br]I should be able to hear them, from my room,
[br]if they need anything.
[br]See you tomorrow.
[br]I love you.
<Entry Name="Note_note_cook_Name">12th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_cook_Text">
Dear Master.
[br]I'm so sorry for all of this.
[br]I was going to stop it, but I couldn't
[br]I was cooking when something catched my eye,
[br]and I saw it, from the window, walking down the corridor.
[br]I got so scared that I forgot to breathe, and gasped for air.
[br]It heard me. It came for me, locked me in here.
[br]I've tried everything to get out,
[br]but I've dropped the key to the kitchen and foodstorage
[br]by the window, and I can't reach it.
[br]If you ever get down here, then leave as quick as possible!
[br]You spare key to the basement is in the foodstorage.
[br]I don't believe my mind is able to comprehend starving the whole night.
[br]I might be dead when you find me...
[br]The cook.
<Entry Name="Note_note_daughter_Name">Julia, 13th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_daughter_Text">
Dad, is that you?
[br]If it is, then please come and get me!
[br]There is something here!
[br]I don't know what it is and I don't want to know.
[br]I need to find a safer place,
[br]but I don't want to run anymore.
[br]Please come and get me!
<Entry Name="Quest_quest1_Text">I shouldn't have locked the door. It could catch me down here...</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest2_Text">I must go find my daughter! I can't imagine what would happen if it gets to her before me</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest3_Text">Someone is in the bedroom, but the door is locked</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest4_Text">I must get inside the kitchen to get the key to the foodstorage</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest5_Text">I must find a way inside the basement</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest6_Text">The cook must have my spare key, to the basement</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest7_Text">The machinery is not working</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest8_Text">Some pipes in the big machine are missing</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest9_Text">The stone chipper needs an extra knock</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest10_Text">The living- and dining room is a dead end... She must have run into the basement</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_PrivateStudy_key">Private study key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_PrivateStudy_key">Key to the private study, in the library</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_bedroom_key">Bedroom key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_bedroom_key">Key to the bedroom, in the library</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_KitchenKey_1">Kitchen key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_KitchenKey_1">Key to the kitchen</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_food_storage_key">Cookingroom and foodstorage key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_food_storage_key">Key to the cookingroom & foodstorage key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_basement_key">Cook's Basement sparekey</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_basement_key">The cooks sparekey for the basement</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_aqua_fortis">Aqua Fortis</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_aqua_fortis">Bottle of Aqua Fortis</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_acid_1">a strong acid</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_acid_1">It contains a strong acid</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_crowbar_guestroom">Crowbar</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_crowbar_guestroom">A crowbar</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_stone_chipper_1">Stonechipper</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_stone_chipper_1">A regular stonechipper</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_chemical_container_full_1">a mixture</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_chemical_container_full_1">A container filled with an acid-like mixture</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_chemical_container_1">a chemical container</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_chemical_container_1">A container used to hold different chemicals</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_chemical_container_2">a chemical container</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_chemical_container_2">A container used to hold different chemicals</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_chemical_container_half_1">Stearin</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_chemical_container_half_1">A container filled with stearin</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_wooden_bucket_1"Wooden bucket</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_wooden_bucket_1">An empty wooden bucket</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_wooden_bucket_filled_1">Water</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_wooden_bucket_filled_1">A wooden bucket filled with clean water</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_flask01_cuprite_1">Cuprite</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_flask01_cuprite_1">A flask containing cuprite</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_flask01_orpiment_1">Orpiment</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_flask01_orpiment_1">A flask containing orpiment</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Messages">
<Entry Name="Locked">It's locked</Entry>
<Entry Name="WeakLocked">It's locked, but the lock is weak</Entry>
<Entry Name="BlockLocked">It's blocked</Entry>
<Entry Name="InsideLocked">It's locked from inside</Entry>
<Entry Name="OutsideLocked">It's locked from outside</Entry>
<Entry Name="PadlockLocked">It's a strong padlock</Entry>
<Entry Name="PadlockDoorLocked">It's locked with a strong padlock</Entry>
<Entry Name="BudgeLocked">It won't budge</Entry>
<Entry Name="Stuck">It's stuck in this position</Entry>
<Entry Name="GoBack">I cannot go back! I must continue.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SlimeBlocking">Whatever it is, i need to find a way to remove it.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Daughter">I must go get my daughter!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Mixture">The mixture is boiling, and has turned red</Entry> <Entry Name="Fire_Message">I should place something the mixture will end in</Entry> <Entry Name="Steam_Message">There is no steam yet</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Signs">
<Entry Name="PrivateStudy">Private Study</Entry>
<Entry Name="LocalHistory">Local History</Entry>
<Entry Name="StudyRoom">Study Room</Entry>
<Entry Name="Archives">Archives</Entry>
<Entry Name="Injured">She's injured! I must find her quickly!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Slime">What the hell is that?</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="DeathHints">
<Entry Name="NormalDeath">I must find her!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Girl">...</Entry>
<Entry Name="Happening">What's happening?</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="EmotionFlashText">
<Entry Name="Sewer">
She must have fled into the sewer... I must get her back!
<Entry Name="MachineWork">
Now the machinery should work.
<Entry Name="ItemName_wooden_bucket_1"Wooden bucket</Entry> forgot the greater than symbol <Entry Name="ItemName_wooden_bucket_1">Wooden bucket</Entry>
Edit: Ninja'd
(07-04-2012, 08:23 PM)beecake Wrote: Yes it works! You guys really have the sharpest eyes!
For better self-revisions in the future, (assuming you use Geany or Notepad++) set the language to xml, it makes finding errors for the lang files much simpler (I've never used Geany, but I'm assuming it has that language and that it color codes entries like NP++ does).
Yes, it has everything from notepad++(coloring, auto-complete etc.) and a functions list on the left, that lists all correctly closed functions you got. If there are less than you got, you can easily see where the problem is.