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Problem with custom entities (invisible) - Printable Version

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Problem with custom entities (invisible) - UnknownCharacter999 - 08-28-2012

I have a strange problem. I have to say that I'm newbie to scripting etc. Straight to the point: I read a few posts on how to create custom entities, but it was a waste of time. After that I tried to do it myself, but Amnesia and lvl-editor just don't see this
entity, or "modelview.exe has stopped working" if i load custom entity with modelview\editor\leveleditor
I am creating a total conversion and tried to create a folder 123_entities instead of creating a folder "123" in "entities". This option failed.
Edited .ent, .mat and .dae, but doesn't help. resources.cfg and main_init.cfg also edited


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Done right, and I did it in different entities - it doesn't matter.
I sit for a whole day as a moron, checked everything...
Tried to change the texture from the original file - and it works, but i need to create my own entity

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - Statyk - 08-28-2012

Have you tried -- in this part:


putting the full directory to the image rather than just the image name?

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - UnknownCharacter999 - 08-29-2012

Yes, I don't think this is the right solution, this is stupid and doesn't change anything
In theory it doesn't matter.
Anyone can help? :\

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - UnknownCharacter999 - 08-29-2012

What the hell am i doing

I have no idea how to configure a custom entity.
As I said - tried different folder path.
Don't understand, looked at the custom entities (for example, white night) they are the same!

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - Statyk - 08-29-2012

What 3D modelling program are you using (Maya 2010/2011/2012, 3DS Max, Blender, etc.) and what exporter (dae_fbx, OpenCollada, etc.) are you using?

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - UnknownCharacter999 - 08-29-2012

I use only Photoshop CS5 with the nvidia (.dds support) plugin.
I need to change ONLY the texture of the custom entity.
You can say, that the problem is in my texture, but if you replace the standard texture of the entity, then it's appears in the game. and if I copy custom entity in my own folder (entities/my_entities), then amnesia/lvl-editor crashes or entity becomes invisible

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - Statyk - 08-29-2012

Have you tried making the texture as a .png and testing that? Perhaps your exporter is bad. You may have to re-apply the texture in your modelling program or change the directory in the .dae file with notepad to the .png file.

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - UnknownCharacter999 - 08-29-2012

yes, i tried.
I'm trying to say that my texture works fine. if i make black texture for (for example) castle_arched01 (door) in original folder, then it works fine. if i copy same entity with my black texture but with name "castle_arched_black" to my entities/my_entities folder, it crashes

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - johnbox - 08-29-2012

(08-29-2012, 03:35 PM)UnknownCharacter999 Wrote: yes, i tried.
I'm trying to say that my texture works fine. if i make black texture for (for example) castle_arched01 (door) in original folder, then it works fine. if i copy same entity with my black texture but with name "castle_arched_black" to my entities/my_entities folder, it crashes
did you also move all the other files? .msh, .dds usw.?

RE: Problem with custom entities (invisible) - Statyk - 08-29-2012

.dae in Amnesia need a specific set directory. Once you have an entity exported into a place where the texture is, it's best to leave it there to prevent errors. If you MUST move the model. Move everything into your entities/my_entities folder and open the .dae and re-apply the directory like I said above to the texture in entities/my_entities. THEN open MaterialEditor, open the .mat in entities/my_entities and redirect the images inside. It should work then.