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Suitor not following pathnodes. - Printable Version

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Suitor not following pathnodes. - FlawlessHappiness - 10-20-2012

Yea i know there's been a thread with nearly the same title, but I did not get the answer i needed.

So what happens is, my suitor is set to spawn and go to 1 specific pathnode, (Where he also have to crush a door on his way).

But he just starts going directly against the pathnode believing he can go through walls.
I placed several pathnodes in my map, but only scripted him to follow one. Why won't he use the other pathnodes as a help to get to the last pathnode?

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - The chaser - 10-20-2012

Iv'e heard that, even if there aren't scripted path nodes, they affect the enemy. So, I think you will have to script the other path nodes so they don't affect the others. Something really simple.

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - FlawlessHappiness - 10-20-2012

I didn't quite get what you wanted me to do.

But yes. If a monster is set to go to a specific pathnode it would use the others as a guide around corners and stuff... The problem is that mine doesn't. He just walks right into the wall

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - The chaser - 10-20-2012

Then script all the path nodes. Tell the suitor: go forward, right, left, etc.

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - FlawlessHappiness - 10-20-2012

yea i guess...

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - The chaser - 10-20-2012

It's easy. Just script all the path nodes that lead to the destination of the suitor and that's all.

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - Your Computer - 10-20-2012

Even if the path nodes are connected to guide the monster around corners, the monster may still have trouble making the turn. Linear paths that are connected the monster has no issue following. But if they're not connected, the monster will have trouble.

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - FlawlessHappiness - 10-20-2012

I'm having a little trouble understanding you YC Smile

A connected pathnode is when i say: AddEnemyPatrolNode right?

Whats a connected linear path then?

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - The chaser - 10-20-2012

I think it's trying to say that the path from the path nodes must be the simplier as possible, so the monster makes a 90ยบ change. Not really sure, though.

Think in a monster as a retarded, that helps. Mark them the things very easy so they don't get silly.

I know, it's a weird way to call them retarded, but dealing with them as these makes a pattern to work with.

RE: Suitor not following pathnodes. - Your Computer - 10-20-2012

Using AddEnemyPatrolNode does not connect path nodes, that simply queues a path node for the monster. You know a path node is connected to another simply by observing it in game with entity info enabled.