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<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain"> <Entry Name="Description">In the deep English moutains, there lies an abandoned village, [NAZWA].[br][br]Your name is Jeffrey Jones, you grew up in this village, in a poor family. Your parents died because of tuberculosis, and you were taken with your sister to orphan house in the nearest city. After all these years, you are a brave man, ready to re-visit the village again. Things are going to complicate soon...</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal"> <Entry Name="Note_history01_Name">A note</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_history01_Text">17th of August, 1867.[br][br]My research are about to start tomorrow. Using a new found medicine, called [NAZWA LEKU] on these people may heal them and stop the plague around this village. I hope there won't be any side effects.[br][br]-Dr Garry Cuprit</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_horror01_Name">Baron's note</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_horror01_Text">I'm afraid that I don't have enough vitae to run the Great Sphere, found at the temple. I invited some people to my "birthday", so I will make them my slaves and then I will throw them to my monsters. The blood that will be spilled is the main part of vitae. In short I need 500 liters of blood to make an only small glass of the substance to make the Sphere work for ten minutes. I paid the local bandits to bring me people. And my latest guest, Jack seems like a very interesting man. It's a shame for me that I have to sacrifice him, but it is necessary. I will drop the remains of their bodies to my monsters, that should give me quite long peace because they will have things to eat. Oh, and I almost forget. Maybe some of the guest will want to escape, so I locked the machine room and I left the key in the archives. ~Isaac.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_horror02_Name">The archives</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_horror02_Text">I saw it ! I saw that "thing". It had leather belts all around its body. His body shape was human-like, but it had many deformations and wounds. Its skin was horrible, it looked like old human body took out of the coffin. It had deformed head, and something like sharp claws. It was eating a ... man. I'm now hiding here and waiting for help, let's just hope that someone will help me soon.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_albert01_Name">Refugee's note.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_albert01_Text">To anyone who reads it: it is a part of my journal, i'm trying to escape this madness. If you want to get my help, go to the "Maps" section and find me in here. One of these creatures injuried me and my wound is bleeding badly, if you leave some laudanum or morphine to me I will be grateful. For now, just go to this section. I've found a key to a Library, it may be useful. ~Albert</Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento01_Text">I knew that man is planning something bad, his eyes... They are evil. I have to escape! How can I get out of this room?</Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento02_Text">Gosh! The cellar looks really bad. But I knew it before buying this house. Perhaps I should leave cellar now. There are a lot of things to repair. </Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento03_Text">The house is not safe. Something is lurking in the shadows, I can feel it. Something follows me. I want to leave this place as soon as I can. I should go to the police, if someone will notice the blood everywhere they will lock me up.</Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento04_Text">I'm wondering who and how wrote this note, it's really new paper and the ink is still fresh... I must find this man, I hope he is alive.</Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento05_Text">Find a way to the Prison sewers, and escape through it!</Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento06_Text">The entrance to the sewers is flodded. Find a way to remove water.</Entry> <Entry Name="Quest_Memento07_Text">There is a weak padlock on a door to the torture tools storage, maybe I will find something useful in here. Maybe stone hammer and chipper would finish it up?</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_manual_Name">Drying machine - manual</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_manual_Text">Drying sewer machine - manual[br][br]In order to dry the sewer, four levers located arround the prison must be pulled DOWN.[br][br]DO NOT USE THE MACHINE WHEN:[br][br]a)When the sewer is already dry[br][br]b)When one of the levers is broken[br][br]c)When there is no need to dry the sewer up.[br][br]-Cpt. Gal Simpson</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="LoadingText"> <Entry Name="Loading_fromMansionToMain">By entering the main hall, I realised something strange is going on... There was nobody except me and them...</Entry> <Entry Name="Loading_fromMainHalltoTower">The Tower</Entry> <Entry Name="Loading_captured">Where are they taking me?!</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<Entry Name="ItemName_Ch01Pipe">Rusty piece of pipe</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Ch01Pipe">It's a part of a pipe, it looks very old, and it's covered in rust.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_Ch01Chipper">Chipper</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Ch01Chipper">It may be useful in breaking locks.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_mrk">Machine Room - key</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_mrk">A key to the Machine Room in the Main Hall.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_elk">Elevator - key</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_elk">A key to the Elevator in the Main Hall.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_picklock">Picklock</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_picklock">A picklock.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_mapss">Maps secton - key</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_mapss">A key to the maps section found in one of the archives room. I think I really should read the note left next to this key.</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Messages"> <Entry Name="intro">lazz3r presents</Entry> <Entry Name="intro2">An Amnesia story</Entry> <Entry Name="intro3">[NAZWA MODA]</Entry> <Entry Name="putButnot">I put the chipper into the lock, but to destroy the mechanism it needs more force.</Entry> <Entry Name="Ch01Locked01">This door is locked. I must find a way to open it.</Entry> <Entry Name="Ch01">Chapter I - Awakening</Entry> <Entry Name="SAVED">[br][br][br][br][br][br]Your game has been saved.</Entry> <Entry Name="Ch02">Chapter II - Lost in The Darkness</Entry> <Entry Name="Ch03">Chapter III - A Nest of Wretches</Entry> <Entry Name="Ch04">Chapter IV - Revealing Truth</Entry> <Entry Name="IntroNar01"></Entry> <Entry Name="chapter5">Chapter V - Unforeseen Consequences</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Credits"> <Entry Name="end01">[br][br]*Custom story created by:[br][br]orbiee232[br][br]Capture sound:[br][br]- it's a bunch of sounds from Amnesia, Penumbra mixed by me. The original sounds are created by Frctional Games.[br][br]Scripting help:[br][br]-Paulpolska[br][br][br]This was my first custom story. If you enjoyed the Chapter I, you may also enjoy the coming soon Chapter II.[br][br]*Thank you for playing!</Entry> </CATEGORY> </LANGUAGE>
When you look at your CS from the Custom Story, do you see "No Description" or your CS description as seen in your lang file? With this, we can determine if the error is within the .lang or the script.
(12-23-2013, 02:02 PM)Romulator Wrote: When you look at your CS from the Custom Story, do you see "No Description" or your CS description as seen in your lang file? With this, we can determine if the error is within the .lang or the script.
Description, item names, messages, notes and other stuff works. Only Dialogue stuff is not working.