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Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Printable Version

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Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Straxedix - 05-23-2014

Anybody can explain how to full configure it,BUT ALL types

Spoiler below!

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Mudbill - 05-23-2014

Copy over the pre_menu.cfg file from /config to your own mod, then edit it. It should look like this to start off with:

Spoiler below!
PHP Code:
<PreMenu skin="">
Section Image="startup_fg_logo.jpg" Time="2" ShowFirstStartOnly="false"/>
Section Image="startup_ngp_logo.jpg" Time="2" ShowFirstStartOnly="false"/>
Section Image="welcome_bg01.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true" Music="12_amb.ogg" MusicVolume="0.5" MusicFadeTime="10" >
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage01" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="welcome_bg02.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true">
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage02" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="welcome_bg03.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true">
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage03" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="welcome_bg04.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true">
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage04" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="welcome_bg05.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true" HasGammaSettings="true">
Text Pos="80 100 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage05" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="welcome_bg06.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true">
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage06" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />

You can leave the first line alone.

Next, you can change which banners appear at startup. You can edit/remove/add lines like these to use your own images:

PHP Code:
    <Section Image="your_image.jpg" Time="2" ShowFirstStartOnly="false"/> 

Change name of your file, how long in seconds you want it and whether you only want it to show up the first time you start the game (mostly only used for the welcome and gamma screens). Usually the images are located in graphics/pre_menu/.

After that you can change what is present for the first startup. The lines look like these:

PHP Code:
    <Section Image="welcome_bg01.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true" Music="12_amb.ogg" MusicVolume="0.5" MusicFadeTime="10" >
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage01" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />

There are quite a few more settings in here. Again, use the name of your image, whether you want it to appear only first time (which you probably do), then comes music during this sequence. Edit volume and fade time.

As for the text, without having actually messed around with it, I assume the settings for the position is X and Y co-ord, though I'm unsure what the third number is. FrameSize is probably how big the text box is, so it knows where to cut the lines into paragraphs so they don't jump off the screen (bit unsure). FontSize is simple enough, X and Y size. Next is category and entry in your lang file. These are important to match, or else your game crashes. Have them point to your PreMenu category. Color is RGBA format (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) and lastly you can have it allign to Left, Center/Middle or Right (if I remember correctly, more might be possible).

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Straxedix - 05-23-2014

i did all these but not working :(

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Mudbill - 05-23-2014

What isn't working? Crashing? Something not showing up? Remember that if you've already started the game for the first time before editing the pre-menu, the first startup sequence will not show up unless you delete the first_start_flag file from your mod's folder in Documents\Amnesia.

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - DnALANGE - 05-23-2014

Also remember to make this FALSE

ShowFirstStartOnly="true" Make this false, so it shows EVERY time you start up the mod.
If you leave it "true" you will only see it ones, EVEN if it doesnt work { what your problem is i guess }
If you want you can make this "true" when you finished the mod.

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Straxedix - 05-26-2014

Spoiler below!
PHP Code:
<PreMenu skin="">
Section Image="startup_fg_logo.jpg" Time="2" ShowFirstStartOnly="false"/>
Section Image="startup_ngp_logo.jpg" Time="2" ShowFirstStartOnly="false"/>
Section Image="picture.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true" Music="12_amb.ogg" MusicVolume="0.5" MusicFadeTime="10" >
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="Welcome01" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="picture01.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true">
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="Welcome02" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />
Section Image="picture02.jpg" ShowFirstStartOnly="true">
Text Pos="80 210 0" FrameSize="640 300" FontSize="18 18" TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="Welcome03" Color="1 1 1 1" Align="Left" />

don't show :/

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - DnALANGE - 05-26-2014

First of all!
MAKE ALL OF THEM ShowFirstStartOnly="false" <-- for testing purposes at this moment.
WHat happend now, is it only works the very first time you ever start up your mod!!!
Right now it NEVER shows up anymore, because you have started your mod probly 100 times+
Start with changing that first!
Second of all, are your pictures JPG?

Then we can continue to the next part.
Does anythign show up at all?
OR does it go to the main menu inmidiatly?

If we know these we can help further, now we are just guessing around!

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Straxedix - 05-26-2014

go main menu noting show up
and it's JPEG so is that ok ?

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - DnALANGE - 05-26-2014

Ok, did you do what i said???

RE: Pre-Menu,PRE MENU! - Mudbill - 05-26-2014

Another thing that may be the issue...

Are you using the development environment? If you are, you might have it set to skip the pre menus anyway, which overrides the ShowFirstStartOnly setting.

Go to Documents\Amnesia\YourMod\main_settings.cfg and check if