Frictional Games Forum (read-only)
Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - Printable Version

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Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - Kreekakon - 12-16-2014

Hey there lovely FG community! I'd like to come to you all with a bit of an idea that came to me through various spontaneous thoughts.

The proposal is as you see in the title: A Frictional Games Forum Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session.

When the idea first started surfacing to me, I immediately thought of Paddy's attempt at creating an unofficial FG Podcast. I think that this thing has a much larger probability to succeed owing to the reason that this will be much more informal, casual, and much less professional than a podcast. All one has to do would be to think for a small bit on what they wanted to say for the topic and that's it.

I mainly decided to create such an event because of the forum's declining activity recently. Even on the Skype group actual conversations are random at best. I created this as an attempt to schedule fixed interactions between forum members. The inclusion of an actual topic also avoids the possibility of dead air to occur in the actual conversation as someone will always be sharing.

Here are the basic guidelines I've created:

1. Anyone from FG is allowed to join.
2. You are welcome to invite friends, or family if they would be/are interested in this event
3. Requirements include having a Skype account, and microphone. Quality is irrelevant as long as it isn't plain awful, and cannot be heard.
4. Chat sessions will take place each week, with a new topic each. Precise date/time of session will be decided based on most convenient time for most members possible a few days prior to actual session (Preferably a weekend)
5. Topic will be decided, and announced much earlier. I am still thinking of the exact means for this, and how to find one everyone is interested in each time.
6. Please do at least some research before the session after the topic is announced to limit dead air.
7. If you need to be absent please notify me to avoid confusion during start of session.

8. Flow of the Session:
(1)Roll Call ---> (2)Topic Reminder ---> (3) Person A's Sharing Time ---> (4) Discussion of Person A's Content ---> Repeat (3)(4) for everyone present ---> (5) Final Comments/Discussion from anyone who wishes to make one ---> (6) Ending

Topics will usually be entertainment related, relating to games, movies, and the sort. I currently have ideas for simpler topics for the first couple sessions as testing such as simple things like Favorite movies/games.

This thread is mostly going to be used as a "proposal" to the FG community for now. If anyone is interested or has any suggestions please let me know below! If I find out that enough people are interested I'll go make an official thread which will plan out the actual sessions.

So if you have interest in participating, please reply below so that I know! Any, and all questions are welcome!

RE: Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - Nice - 12-16-2014

I accept your proposal

RE: Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - AGP - 12-16-2014

This sounds really fun! Big Grin A brilliant idea!

RE: Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - Kurton - 12-18-2014

I'd be down

RE: Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - Mudbill - 12-18-2014

Sure, sounds great! I imagine it would be a jolly good time =)

RE: Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - RedKnight - 12-18-2014

Im from the netherlands, and i only have time at tonight. But have time for that.

Ill join btw.

RE: Proposal: FG Weekly Topic-Based "Sharing and Disscussing" Chat Session - Potato - 12-18-2014

I actually wouldn't mind participating, as I was too much of a pansy when it came to asking about the Skype group before, it would be cool talking to you guys.