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Penumbra prelude - Printable Version

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Penumbra prelude - Smaxer - 11-22-2009

I am new to this forum .
What do you think about penumbra prelude . You should play as Howard or Red . And we see how everything started .

RE: Penumbra prelude - Kedjane - 11-22-2009

It's been discussed before. Would be nice to know but the devs will probably leave that to speculation.

RE: Penumbra prelude - eliasfrost - 11-22-2009

One could make a Penumbra Prelude using the HPL2 modding tools when Amnesia has been released. Smile

RE: Penumbra prelude - Yuhaney - 11-22-2009

Well, if only one, then that means there probably won't be anything. Tongue:
A small team that doesn't have to learn the basics of coding and are already familiar with the modding and are capable of working in a team would probably even make some progress...

Oh, and welcome to the forums!

RE: Penumbra prelude - Smaxer - 11-22-2009

Thanks for welcome Scraper Smile: Maybe in the future we can wait for Prelude mod or a new game Tongue: .

RE: Penumbra prelude - eliasfrost - 11-23-2009

I didn't mean literally one person. It was a way of saying "someone" or "some people", it's not to be interpreted literally. Tongue:

Since both Unity3D and UnrealEngine3 is now free, one could use one of these to recreate the prelude to the Penumbra games. Smile