Message Help [SOLVED] - WarJenkins - 02-19-2016
Hello again, I guess. I'm trying to make a script where if you look at a object, a message appears, but it ain't working. I'm pretty noobish at scripting, and I know that everyone says that, but hey.
.hps code:
Code: void OnStart()
AddUseItemCallback("", "key1", "door01", "func", true);
AddUseItemCallback("", "chip", "door01", "afunc", true);
SetMessage("Messages", "start", 4);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "act", "actfunc", true, 1);
void func(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door", asEntity, 0, false);
AddQuest("", "KeyBroke");
void afunc(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetSwingDoorLocked(asEntity, false, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door", asEntity, 0, false);
CompleteQuest("", "KeyBroke");
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door", asEntity, 0, false);
PlayMusic("10_puzzle01.ogg", false, 0.7, 0.1, 10, false);
void actfunc (string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetMessage("Messages", "uh", 6);
.lang code:
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">A small custom story.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemName_key1">My Room Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_key1">Rusty as hell.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_chip">a Nail</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_chip">A little bit too big for it's own good. Presumebly I can use this on the door.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_Note01_Name">What?</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note01_Text">What for sure.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_KeyBroke_Text">The key broke somehow, I need to look for some key-like item around my room.
<CATEGORY Name="Messages">
<Entry Name ="start">What was that noise?!</Entry>
<Entry Name ="uh">Uh oh... That does not look good.</Entry>
And again, any help is appreciated.
RE: Message Help - Spelos - 02-19-2016
If you want a message to appear when Player looks at something, you will need a PlayerLookAtCallback.
Frictional Games Wiki Wrote:void SetEntityPlayerLookAtCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt);
To use it, you will need:
- Entity in the level editor
Do remember the name of that entity! For example: MyDoor
How to use the callback:
- Put it into the OnStart function and fill the parameters.
- Use the void MyFunc(string &in asEntity, int alState) as your function to call.
What it should look like:
PHP Code: void OnStart() { AddUseItemCallback("", "key1", "door01", "func", true); AddUseItemCallback("", "chip", "door01", "afunc", true); SetPlayerLampOil(0); SetMessage("Messages", "start", 4); AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "act", "actfunc", true, 1);
//"MyDoor" is the name of the entity to look at, "LookMessage" is the function to call, false - if the message should remove itself after the first time Player looks at it. SetEntityPlayerLookAtCallback("MyDoor", "LookMessage", false); }
void LookMessage(string &in asEntity, int alState) { SetMessage("MessageCategory", "MessageEntry", 0); //Fill in the category and Entry }
// \/ --- The rest of your code here --- \/ //
RE: Message Help - WarJenkins - 02-19-2016
You're my custom story savior, thank you!