Engine Scripts Plus [ES+ 1.3] - More sensical function names - Mudbill - 10-26-2018
One of the good things to come from SOMA / HPL3 is the naming convention used for script functions to group related things together. This was something I thought would be useful to have in HPL2, so I made this library for those wishing to use exactly that.
What's different?
Basically every single script function has been given a new name. Instead of SetEntityActive, you use Entity_SetActive. Every function has been renamed to start with a category word, then an underscore, then the description of the function. This is a standard that HPL2 has been lacking.
There are several reason why one might want this. The biggest benefit is autocompletion. In pretty much every script editor, without additional configuration, you can now start typing "Entity_" or "Game_" or "Player_" and produce a list of all functions related to that category. See screenshot from the Atom editor below.
Another reason, although more subjective, is that things are more clearly defined, so when reading your code, it can be easier to quickly see what a function does and what it affects.
How do I get started?
Because HPL2 does not allow the use of importing scripts, you will need to copy and paste the provided contents and put them into each script file you want to use this convention in. The contents are provided in a "minified" form, which means the code has been reduced in size where possible and is spread across a single line. This line is very long, so make sure you do not use line wrapping in your editor so it becomes as invisible as possible.
Click here to see the contents you need to copy, or click here to download it as a file.
Again, in case you didn't understand, all you need to do is paste the code into your .hps file, somewhere in the root level (where OnStart resides). Example:
PHP Code: void OnStart() { Entity_SetActive("chair", false); }
While the code is in your script file, you can use all the functions and they should autocomplete as well, depending on your editor.
Anything else?
- If you want some trivia, it took about 4 hours to create, and is about 1000 lines non-minified. Oh, but the forum post took like 4 more.
- Want to have a look at the non-minified version? Here you go.
- Why so late? Yeah, I don't know. I guess I just suddenly felt like doing it. Wish I had done it years ago though, but better late than never?
- Did you know that InsanityEventIsActive() actually returns a void, which practically renders this function useless?
Engine Scripts Plus reference
The documentation for each function follows here, if you need it. I won't explain them in-depth, but I will tell you which original function lies behind so you can look up the documentation for that function. Most are self-explanatory however, and they all use the exact same parameters as the originals. Here's a link to the official Engine Scripts documentation if you need it.
Before we get into it, here are all the categories that the scripts belong to:
- Debug
- Script
- Math
- String
- Game
- ParticleSystem
- Sound
- Light
- Map
- Timer
- Effect
- Player
- Journal
- Inventory
- Entity
- MoveObject
- Lamp
- LevelDoor
- SwingDoor
- Wheel
- Lever
- Button
- MultiSlider
- Enemy
Quote:PHP Code: float Math_RandFloat(float afMin, float afMax)
= RandFloat
PHP Code: int Math_RandInt(int alMin, int alMax)
= RandInt
PHP Code: float Math_Sin(float afX)
= MathSin
PHP Code: float Math_Cos(float afX)
= MathCos
PHP Code: float Math_Tan(float afX)
= MathTan
PHP Code: float Math_Asin(float afX)
= MathAsin
PHP Code: float Math_Acos(float afX)
= MathAcos
PHP Code: float Math_Atan2(float afX, float afY)
= MathAtan2
PHP Code: float Math_Sqrt(float afX)
= MathSqrt
PHP Code: float Math_Pow(float afBase, float afExp)
= MathPow
PHP Code: float Math_Min(float afA, float afB)
= MathMin
PHP Code: float Math_Max(float afA, float afB)
= MathMax
PHP Code: float Math_Clamp(float afX, float afMin, float afMax)
= MathClamp
PHP Code: float Math_Abs(float afX)
= MathAbs
Quote:PHP Code: bool String_Contains(string& asString, string& asSubString)
= StringContains
PHP Code: string String_Sub(string& asString, int alStart, int alCount)
= StringSub
PHP Code: int String_ToInt(string&in asString)
= StringToInt
PHP Code: float String_ToFloat(string&in asString)
= StringToFloat
PHP Code: bool String_ToBool(string&in asString)
= StringToBool
Quote:PHP Code: void Debug_Print(string& asString)
= Print
PHP Code: void Debug_AddMessage(string& asString, bool abCheckForDuplicates)
= AddDebugMessage
PHP Code: void Debug_ProgLog(string& asLevel, string& asMessage)
= ProgLog
= ScriptDebugOn
Quote:PHP Code: void Script_SetLocalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal)
= SetLocalVarInt
PHP Code: void Script_AddLocalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal)
= AddLocalVarInt
PHP Code: int Script_GetLocalVarInt(string& asName)
= GetLocalVarInt
PHP Code: void Script_SetLocalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal)
= SetLocalVarFloat
PHP Code: void Script_AddLocalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal)
= AddLocalVarFloat
PHP Code: float Script_GetLocalVarFloat(string& asName)
= GetLocalVarFloat
PHP Code: void Script_SetLocalVarString(string& asName, const string& asVal)
= SetLocalVarString
PHP Code: void Script_AddLocalVarString(string& asName, string& asVal)
= AddLocalVarString
PHP Code: string Script_GetLocalVarString(string& asName)
= GetLocalVarString
PHP Code: void Script_SetGlobalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal)
= SetGlobalVarInt
PHP Code: void Script_AddGlobalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal)
= AddGlobalVarInt
PHP Code: int Script_GetGlobalVarInt(string& asName)
= GetGlobalVarInt
PHP Code: void Script_SetGlobalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal)
= SetGlobalVarFloat
PHP Code: void Script_AddGlobalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal)
= AddGlobalVarFloat
PHP Code: float Script_GetGlobalVarFloat(string& asName)
= GetGlobalVarFloat
PHP Code: void Script_SetGlobalVarString(string& asName, const string& asVal)
= SetGlobalVarString
PHP Code: void Script_AddGlobalVarString(string& asName, string& asVal)
= AddGlobalVarString
PHP Code: string Script_GetGlobalVarString(string& asName)
= GetGlobalVarString
Quote:PHP Code: void ParticleSystem_Preload(string& asPSFile)
= PreloadParticleSystem
PHP Code: void ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntity(string& asPSName, string& asPSFile, string& asEntity, bool abSavePS)
= CreateParticleSystemAtEntity
Code: void ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntityExt(string& asPSName, string& asPSFile, string& asEntity, bool abSavePS, float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA, bool abFadeAtDistance, float afFadeMinEnd, float afFadeMinStart, float afFadeMaxStart, float afFadeMaxEnd)
= CreateParticleSystemAtEntityExt
PHP Code: void ParticleSystem_Destroy(string& asName)
= DestroyParticleSystem
PHP Code: void ParticleSystem_StartPlayerSpawnPS(string& asPSFile)
= StartPlayerSpawnPS
PHP Code: void ParticleSystem_StopPlayerSpawnPS()
= StopPlayerSpawnPS
Quote:PHP Code: void Sound_Preload(string& a)
= PreloadSound
PHP Code: Sound_PlayAtEntity(string& a, string& b, string& c, float d, bool e)
= PlaySoundAtEntity
PHP Code: void Sound_FadeIn(string& a, float b, bool c)
= FadeInSound
PHP Code: void Sound_Stop(string& a, float b)
= StopSound
PHP Code: void Sound_PlayMusic(string& a, bool b, float c, float d, int e, bool f)
= PlayMusic
PHP Code: void Sound_StopMusic(float a, int b)
= StopMusic
PHP Code: void Sound_FadeGlobalVolume(float a, float b)
= FadeGlobalSoundVolume
PHP Code: void Sound_FadeGlobalSpeed(float a, float b)
= FadeGlobalSoundSpeed
Code: void Sound_AddEffectVoice(string& asVoiceFile, string& asEffectFile, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, bool abUsePosition, string& asPosEntity, float afMinDistance, float afMaxDistance)
= AddEffectVoice
PHP Code: void Sound_StopAllEffectVoices(float afFadeOutTime)
= StopAllEffectVoices
PHP Code: bool Sound_GetEffectVoiceActive()
= GetEffectVoiceActive
PHP Code: void Sound_SetEffectVoiceOverCallback(string& asFunc)
= SetEffectVoiceOverCallback
PHP Code: void Sound_PlayGuiSound(string& asSoundFile, float afVolume)
= PlayGuiSound
Quote:PHP Code: void Light_SetVisible(string& a, bool b)
= SetLightVisible
PHP Code: void Light_FadeTo(string& asLightName, float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA, float afRadius, float afTime)
= FadeLightTo
PHP Code: void Light_SetFlickerActive(string& asLightName, bool abActive)
= SetLightFlickerActive
Quote:PHP Code: void Game_StartCredits(string& asMusic, bool abLoopMusic, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, int alEndNum)
= StartCredits
= StartDemoEnd
= AutoSave
PHP Code: void Game_SetupLoadScreen(string&asTextCat, string&asTextEntry, int alRandomNum, string&asImageFile)
= SetupLoadScreen
PHP Code: void Game_SetDeathHint(string& asTextCategory, string& asTextEntry)
= SetDeathHint
PHP Code: void Game_DisableDeathStartSound()
= DisableDeathStartSound
PHP Code: void Game_GiveHint(string& asName, string& asMessageCat, string& asMessageEntry, float afTimeShown)
= GiveHint
PHP Code: void Game_RemoveHint(string& asName)
= RemoveHint
PHP Code: void Game_BlockHint(string& asName)
= BlockHint
PHP Code: void Game_UnblockHint(string& asName)
= UnBlockHint
PHP Code: void Game_CreateDataCache()
= CreateDataCache
PHP Code: void Game_DestroyDataCache()
= DestroyDataCache
Quote:Code: void Map_CheckPoint(string& asName, string& asStartPos, string& asCallback, string& asDeathHintCat, string& asDeathHintEntry)
= CheckPoint
PHP Code: void Map_Change(string& asMapName, string& asStartPos, string& asStartSound, string& asEndSound)
= ChangeMap
PHP Code: void Map_ClearSavedMaps()
= ClearSavedMaps
PHP Code: void Map_SetDisplayNameEntry(string& asNameEntry)
= SetMapDisplayNameEntry
PHP Code: void Map_SetSkyboxActive(bool abActive)
= SetSkyBoxActive
PHP Code: void Map_SetSkyboxTexture(string & asTexture)
= SetSkyboxTexture
PHP Code: void Map_SetSkyboxColor(float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA)
= SetSkyboxColor
PHP Code: void Map_SetFogActive(bool abActive)
= SetFogActive
PHP Code: void Map_SetFogColor(float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA)
= SetFogColor
PHP Code: void Map_SetFogProperties(float afStart, float afEnd, float afFalloffExp, bool abCulling)
= SetFogProperties
Quote:PHP Code: void Timer_Add(string& asName, float afTime, string& asFunction)
= AddTimer
PHP Code: void Timer_Remove(string& asName)
= RemoveTimer
PHP Code: float Timer_GetTimeLeft(string& asName)
= GetTimerTimeLefT
Quote:PHP Code: void Effect_FadeOut(float afTime)
= FadeOut
PHP Code: void Effect_FadeIn(float afTime)
= FadeIn
PHP Code: void Effect_FadeImageTrailTo(float afAmount, float afSpeed)
= FadeImageTrailTo
PHP Code: void Effect_FadeSepiaColorTo(float afAmount, float afSpeed)
= FadeSepiaColorTo
PHP Code: void Effect_FadeRadialBlurTo(float afSize, float afSpeed)
= FadeRadialBlurTo
PHP Code: void Effect_SetRadialBlurStartDist(float afStartDist)
= SetRadialBlurStartDist
PHP Code: void Effect_StartFlash(float afFadeIn, float afWhite, float afFadeOut)
= StartEffectFlash
PHP Code: void Effect_StartEmotionFlash(string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, string& asSound)
= StartEffectEmotionFlash
PHP Code: bool Effect_GetFlashbackIsActive()
= GetFlashbackIsActive
PHP Code: void Effect_StartScreenShake(float afAmount, float afTime, float afFadeInTime, float afFadeOutTime)
= StartScreenShake
PHP Code: void Effect_SetInDarknessEffectsActive(bool abX)
= SetInDarknessEffectsActive
PHP Code: void Effect_SetInsanitySetEnabled(string& asSet, bool abX)
= SetInsanitySetEnabled
PHP Code: void Effect_StartInsanityEvent(string &in asEventName)
= StartInsanityEvent
PHP Code: void Effect_StartRandomInsanityEvent()
= StartRandomInsanityEvent
PHP Code: void Effect_StopCurrentInsanityEvent()
= StopCurrentInsanityEvent
PHP Code: void Effect_FadeFOVMulTo(float afX, float afSpeed)
= FadePlayerFOVMulTo
PHP Code: void Effect_FadeAspectMulTo(float afX, float afSpeed)
= FadePlayerAspectMulTo
PHP Code: void Effect_FadePlayerRollTo(float afX, float afSpeedMul, float afMaxSpeed)
= FadePlayerRollTo
PHP Code: void Effect_MovePlayerHeadPos(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afSpeed, float afSlowDownDist)
= MovePlayerHeadPos
PHP Code: void Effect_SetMessage(string& asTextCategory, string& asTextEntry, float afTime)
= SetMessage
Quote:PHP Code: void Player_SetActive(bool abActive)
= SetPlayerActive
PHP Code: void Player_ChangeStateToNormal()
= ChangePlayerStateToNormal
PHP Code: void Player_SetCrouching(bool abCrouch)
= SetPlayerCrouching
PHP Code: void Player_AddPlayerBodyForce(float afX, float afY, float afZ, bool abUseLocalCoords)
= AddPlayerBodyForce
PHP Code: void Player_ShowCrossHairIcons(bool abX)
= ShowPlayerCrossHairIcons
PHP Code: void Player_SetSanity(float afSanity)
= SetPlayerSanity
PHP Code: void Player_AddSanity(float afSanity)
= AddPlayerSanity
= GetPlayerSanity
PHP Code: void Player_SetHealth(float afHealth)
= SetPlayerHealth
PHP Code: void Player_AddPlayerHealth(float afHealth)
= AddPlayerHealth
= GetPlayerHealth
PHP Code: void Player_SetLampOil(float afOil)
= SetPlayerLampOil
PHP Code: void Player_AddLampOil(float afOil)
= AddPlayerLampOil
PHP Code: float Player_GetLampOil()
= GetPlayerLampOil
= GetPlayerSpeed
= GetPlayerYSpeed
PHP Code: void Player_SetSanityDrainDisabled(bool abX)
= SetSanityDrainDisabled
PHP Code: void Player_GiveSanityBoost()
= GiveSanityBoost
PHP Code: void Player_GiveSanityBoostSmall()
= GiveSanityBoostSmall
PHP Code: void Player_GiveSanityDamage(float afAmount, bool abUseEffect)
= GiveSanityDamage
PHP Code: void Player_GiveDamage(float afAmount, string& asType, bool abSpinHead, bool abLethal)
= GivePlayerDamage
PHP Code: void Player_StartLookAt(string& asEntityName, float afSpeedMul, float afMaxSpeed, string& asAtTargetCallback)
= StartPlayerLookAt
= StopPlayerLookAt
PHP Code: void Player_SetMoveSpeedMul(float afMul)
= SetPlayerMoveSpeedMul
PHP Code: void Player_SetRunSpeedMul(float afMul)
= SetPlayerRunSpeedMul
PHP Code: void Player_SetLookSpeedMul(float afMul)
= SetPlayerLookSpeedMul
PHP Code: void Player_SetJumpForceMul(float afMul)
= SetPlayerJumpForceMul
PHP Code: void Player_SetJumpDisabled(bool abX)
= SetPlayerJumpDisabled
PHP Code: void Player_SetCrouchDisabled(bool abX)
= SetPlayerCrouchDisabled
PHP Code: void Player_Teleport(string& asStartPosName)
= TeleportPlayer
PHP Code: void Player_SetLanternActive(bool abX, bool abUseEffects)
= SetLanternActive
PHP Code: void Player_SetLanternDisabled(bool abX)
= SetLanternDisabled
PHP Code: bool Player_GetLanternActive()
= GetLanternActive
PHP Code: void Player_SetLanternLitCallback(string& asCallback)
= SetLanternLitCallback
PHP Code: void Player_MoveForward(float afAmount)
= MovePlayerForward
PHP Code: void Player_SetFallDamageDisabled(bool abX)
= SetPlayerFallDamageDisabled
PHP Code: void Player_SetPos(float afX, float afY, float afZ)
= SetPlayerPos
= GetPlayerPosX
= GetPlayerPosY
= GetPlayerPosZ
Quote:PHP Code: void Journal_AddNote(string& asNameAndTextEntry, string& asImage)
= AddNote
PHP Code: void Journal_AddDiary(string& asNameAndTextEntry, string& asImage)
= AddDiary
PHP Code: void Journal_ReturnOpen(bool abOpenJournal)
= ReturnOpenJournal
PHP Code: void Journal_AddQuest(string& asName, string& asNameAndTextEntry)
= AddQuest
PHP Code: void Journal_CompleteQuest(string& asName, string& asNameAndTextEntry)
= CompleteQuest
PHP Code: bool Journal_GetQuestIsAdded(string& asName)
= QuestIsAdded
PHP Code: void Journal_SetNumberOfQuestsInMap(int alNumberOfQuests)
= SetNumberOfQuestsInMap
Quote:= ExitInventory
PHP Code: void Inventory_SetDisabled(bool abX)
= SetInventoryDisabled
PHP Code: void Inventory_SetMessage(string& asTextCategory, string& asTextEntry, float afTime)
= SetInventoryMessage
PHP Code: void Inventory_GiveItem(string& asName, string& asType, string& asSubTypeName, string& asImageName, float afAmount)
= GiveItem
PHP Code: void Inventory_GiveItemFromFile(string& asName, string& asFileName)
= GiveItemFromFile
PHP Code: void Inventory_RemoveItem(string& asName)
= RemoveItem
PHP Code: bool Inventory_HasItem(string& asName)
= HasItem
PHP Code: void Inventory_AddCombineCallback(string& asName, string& asItemA, string& asItemB, string& asFunction, bool abAutoRemove)
= AddCombineCallback
PHP Code: void Inventory_RemoveCombineCallback(string& asName)
= RemoveCombineCallback
PHP Code: void Inventory_AddUseItemCallback(string& asName, string& asItem, string& asEntity, string& asFunction, bool abAutoDestroy)
= AddUseItemCallback
PHP Code: void Inventory_RemoveUseItemCallback(string& asName)
= RemoveUseItemCallback
Quote:PHP Code: void Entity_SetActive(string& asName, bool abActive)
= SetEntityActive
PHP Code: void Entity_SetVisible(string& asName, bool abVisible)
= SetEntityVisible
PHP Code: bool Entity_GetExists(string& asName)
= GetEntityExists
PHP Code: void Entity_SetCustomFocusCrossHair(string& asName, string& asCrossHair)
= SetEntityCustomFocusCrossHair
PHP Code: void Entity_CreateAtArea(string& asEntityName, string& asEntityFile, string& asAreaName, bool abFullGameSave)
= CreateEntityAtArea
Code: void Entity_Replace(string &in asName, string &in asBodyName, string &in asNewEntityName, string &in asNewEntityFile, bool abFullGameSave)
= ReplaceEntity
PHP Code: void Entity_PlaceAtEntity(string &in asName, string &in asTargetEntity, string &in asTargetBodyName, bool abUseRotation)
= PlaceEntityAtEntity
PHP Code: void Entity_SetPos(string &in asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ)
= SetEntityPos
PHP Code: float Entity_GetPosX(string &in asName)
= GetEntityPosX
PHP Code: float Entity_GetPosY(string &in asName)
= GetEntityPosY
PHP Code: float Entity_GetPosZ(string &in asName)
= GetEntityPosZ
PHP Code: void Entity_SetPlayerLookAtCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt)
= SetEntityPlayerLookAtCallback
PHP Code: void Entity_SetPlayerInteractCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveOnInteraction)
= SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback
PHP Code: void Entity_SetCallbackFunc(string& asName, string& asCallback)
= SetEntityCallbackFunc
PHP Code: void Entity_SetConnectionStateChangeCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback)
= SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback
PHP Code: void Entity_SetInteractionDisabled(string& asName, bool abDisabled)
= SetEntityInteractionDisabled
PHP Code: void Entity_BreakJoint(string& asName)
= BreakJoint
Code: void Entity_AddCollideCallback(string& asParentName, string& asChildName, string& asFunction, bool abDeleteOnCollide, int alStates)
= AddEntityCollideCallback
PHP Code: void Entity_RemoveCollideCallback(string& asParentName, string& asChildName)
= RemoveEntityCollideCallback
PHP Code: bool Entity_GetCollide(string& asEntityA, string& asEntityB)
= GetEntitiesCollide
PHP Code: void Entity_SetBodyMass(string &in asName, float afMass)
= SetBodyMass
PHP Code: float Entity_GetBodyMass(string &in asName)
= GetBodyMass
PHP Code: void Entity_SetEffectActive(string& asName, bool abActive, bool abFadeAndPlaySounds)
= SetPropEffectActive
PHP Code: void Entity_SetActiveAndFade(string& asName, bool abActive, float afFadeTime)
= SetPropActiveAndFade
PHP Code: void Entity_SetStaticPhysics(string& asName, bool abX)
= SetPropStaticPhysics
PHP Code: bool Entity_GetInteractedWith(string& asName)
= GetPropIsInteractedWith
Code: void Entity_RotateToSpeed(string& asName, float afAcc, float afGoalSpeed, float afAxisX, float afAxisY, float afAxisZ, bool abResetSpeed, string& asOffsetArea)
= RotatePropToSpeed
PHP Code: void Entity_StopMovement(string& asName)
= StopPropMovement
Code: void Entity_AttachEntity(string& asPropName, string& asAttachName, string& asAttachFile, float afPosX, float afPosY, float afPosZ, float afRotX, float afRotY, float afRotZ)
= AttachPropToProp
PHP Code: void Entity_RemoveAttachedEntity(string& asPropName, string& asAttachName)
= RemoveAttachedPropFromProp
PHP Code: void Entity_SetHealth(string& asName, float afHealth)
= SetPropHealth
PHP Code: void Entity_AddHealth(string& asName, float afHealth)
= AddPropHealth
PHP Code: float Entity_GetHealth(string& asName)
= GetPropHealth
PHP Code: void Entity_Reset(string& asName)
= ResetProp
PHP Code: void Entity_PlayAnimation(string& asProp, string& asAnimation, float afFadeTime, bool abLoop, string& asCallback)
= PlayPropAnimation
PHP Code: void Entity_AddForce(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem)
= AddPropForce
PHP Code: void Entity_AddImpulse(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem)
= AddPropImpulse
PHP Code: void Entity_AddBodyForce(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem)
= AddBodyForce
PHP Code: void Entity_AddBodyImpulse(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem)
= AddBodyImpulse
Code: void Entity_ConnectWithRope(string& asName, string& asPropName, string& asRopeName, bool abInteractOnly, float afSpeedMul, float afToMinSpeed, float afToMaxSpeed, bool abInvert, int alStatesUsed)
= InteractConnectPropWithRope
Code: void Entity_ConnectWithMoveObject(string& asName, string& asPropName, string& asMoveObjectName, bool abInteractOnly, bool abInvert, int alStatesUsed)
= InteractConnectPropWithMoveObject
Code: void Entity_ConnectEntities(string& asName, string& asMainEntity, string& asConnectEntity, bool abInvertStateSent, int alStatesUsed, string& asCallbackFunc)
= ConnectEntities
PHP Code: void Entity_SetStuckState(string& asName, int alState)
= SetPropObjectStuckState
PHP Code: void Entity_SetAllowStickyAreaAttachment(bool abX)
= SetAllowStickyAreaAttachment
PHP Code: void Entity_AttachToStickyArea(string& asAreaName, string& asProp)
= AttachPropToStickyArea
PHP Code: void Entity_AttachBodyToStickyArea(string& asAreaName, string& asBody)
= AttachBodyToStickyArea
PHP Code: void Entity_DetachFromStickyArea(string& asAreaName)
= DetachFromStickyArea
Quote:PHP Code: void MoveObject_SetState(string& asName, float afState)
= SetMoveObjectState
Code: void MoveObject_SetStateExt(string& asName, float afState, float afAcc, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowdownDist, bool abResetSpeed)
= SetMoveObjectStateExt
Quote:PHP Code: void Entity_SetLampLit(string& asName, bool abLit, bool abEffects)
= SetLampLit
Quote:PHP Code: void SwingDoor_SetLocked(string& asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects)
= SetSwingDoorLocked
PHP Code: void SwingDoor_SetClosed(string& asName, bool abClosed, bool abEffects)
= SetSwingDoorClosed
PHP Code: bool SwingDoor_GetLocked(string& asName)
= GetSwingDoorLocked
PHP Code: bool SwingDoor_GetClosed(string& asName)
= GetSwingDoorClosed
PHP Code: void SwingDoor_SetDisableAutoClose(string& asName, bool abDisableAutoClose)
= SetSwingDoorDisableAutoClose
PHP Code: int SwingDoor_GetState(string& asName)
= GetSwingDoorState
Quote:PHP Code: void LevelDoor_SetLocked(string& asName, bool abLocked)
= SetLevelDoorLocked
PHP Code: void LevelDoor_SetLockedSound(string& asName, string& asSound)
= SetLevelDoorLockedSound
PHP Code: void LevelDoor_SetLockedText(string& asName, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry)
= SetLevelDoorLockedText
Quote:PHP Code: void Wheel_SetStuckState(string& asName, int alState, bool abEffects)
= SetWheelStuckState
PHP Code: void Wheel_SetAngle(string& asName, float afAngle, bool abAutoMove)
= SetWheelAngle
PHP Code: void Wheel_SetInteractionDisablesStuck(string& asName, bool abX)
= SetWheelInteractionDisablesStuck
Quote:PHP Code: void Lever_SetStuckState(string& asName, int alState, bool abEffects)
= SetLeverStuckState
PHP Code: void Lever_SetInteractionDisablesStuck(string& asName, bool abX)
= SetLeverInteractionDisablesStuck
PHP Code: int Lever_GetState(string& asName)
= GetLeverState
Quote:PHP Code: void Button_SetSwitchedOn(string& asName, bool abSwitchedOn, bool abEffects)
= SetButtonSwitchedOn
Quote:PHP Code: void MultiSlider_SetStuckState(string& asName, int alStuckState, bool abEffects)
= SetMultiSliderStuckState
PHP Code: void MultiSlider_SetCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback)
= SetMultiSliderCallback
Quote:PHP Code: void NPC_SetAwake(string& asName, bool abAwake, bool abEffects)
= SetNPCAwake
PHP Code: void NPC_SetFollowPlayer(string& asName, bool abX)
= SetNPCFollowPlayer
Quote:PHP Code: void Enemy_SetDisabled(string& asName, bool abDisabled)
= SetEnemyDisabled
PHP Code: void Enemy_SetIsHallucination(string& asName, bool abX)
= SetEnemyIsHallucination
PHP Code: void Enemy_FadeToSmoke(string& asName, bool abPlaySound)
= FadeEnemyToSmoke
PHP Code: void Enemy_ShowPlayerPosition(string& asName)
= ShowEnemyPlayerPosition
PHP Code: void Enemy_AlertPlayerPresence(string &in asName)
= AlertEnemyOfPlayerPresence
PHP Code: void Enemy_SetTriggersDisabled(string& asName, bool abX)
= SetEnemyDisableTriggers
PHP Code: void Enemy_AddPatrolNode(string& asName, string& asNodeName, float afWaitTime, string& asAnimation)
= AddEnemyPatrolNode
PHP Code: void Enemy_ClearPatrolNodes(string& asEnemyName)
= ClearEnemyPatrolNodes
PHP Code: void Enemy_SetSanityDecreaseActive(string &in asName, bool abX)
= SetEnemySanityDecreaseActive
PHP Code: void Enemy_TeleportToNode(string &in asEnemyName, string &in asNodeName, bool abChangeY)
= TeleportEnemyToNode
PHP Code: void Enemy_TeleportToEntity(string &in asEnemyName, string &in asTargetEntity, string &in asTargetBody, bool abChangeY)
= TeleportEnemyToEntity
PHP Code: void Enemy_ChangeManPigPose(string&in asName, string&in asPoseType)
= ChangeManPigPose
PHP Code: void Enemy_SetTeslaPigFadeDisabled(string&in asName, bool abX)
= SetTeslaPigFadeDisabled
PHP Code: void Enemy_SetTeslaPigSoundDisabled(string&in asName, bool abX)
= SetTeslaPigSoundDisabled
PHP Code: void Enemy_SetTeslaPigEasyEscapeDisabled(string&in asName, bool abX)
= SetTeslaPigEasyEscapeDisabled
PHP Code: void Enemy_ForceTeslaPigSighting(string&in asName)
= ForceTeslaPigSighting
PHP Code: string Enemy_GetStateName(string &in asName)
= GetEnemyStateName
RE: Engine Scripts Plus [ES+ 1.2] - More sensical function names - HappyMatt12345 - 12-02-2018
Looking to use this, the only thing I want to do is add a few custom ones (following the same name convention of course) for your SetLocalVarBool, GetLocalVarBool, SetGlobalVarBool, etc. functions that I am also using.
RE: Engine Scripts Plus [ES+ 1.2] - More sensical function names - Mudbill - 12-03-2018
This by default only includes the main functions, but custom ones are no problem of course
This would be the code to add for those functions:
PHP Code: void Script_SetLocalVarBool(string& asName, bool abVal) { SetLocalVarInt(asName, abVal ? 1 : 0); } bool Script_GetLocalVarBool(string& asName) { return GetLocalVarInt(asName) != 0; }
void Script_SetGlobalVarBool(string& asName, bool abVal) { SetGlobalVarInt(asName, abVal ? 1 : 0); } bool Script_GetGlobalVarBool(string& asName) { return GetGlobalVarInt(asName) != 0; }