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    Thread: Will there be a database for all functions in the game (Like Amnesia)
Post: RE: Will there be a database for all functions in ...

(09-29-2015, 09:55 PM)jens Wrote: Updated it to be correct, only the option in the settings that had changed name. Not this only has changed :) 1. This suggestion "If no color coding, it can be forc...
Javist Technical Support 18 14,801 09-29-2015, 10:46 PM
    Thread: [3RD PARTY] Cannot find "Tags Settings" in CodeLite
Post: RE: [3RD PARTY] Cannot find "Tags Settings" in Cod...

Having problems too. Configured CodeLite as instruction says and code completion is not working, ctrl+left click on includes does nothing.. CodeLite even just refuses to open any imported *.hps from m...
Javist Technical Support 14 14,362 09-26-2015, 05:42 PM
    Thread: Will there be a database for all functions in the game (Like Amnesia)
Post: RE: Will there be a database for all functions in ...

I'd very like to ask what is "User Classes" ? Are we able to write something in C++ or did i got it wrong?
Javist Technical Support 18 14,801 09-26-2015, 12:40 AM
    Thread: returning values (return command)
Post: RE: returning values (return command)

In fact, the functions that you're listed above are identical (in action). Regardless of return type - current function will be immediately terminated when return operator is executed, without executi...
Javist Development Support 4 4,113 01-03-2014, 09:34 AM
    Thread: Update coming! Brave testers needed!
Post: RE: Update almost ready! Brave testers needed!

Quote: AttachPropToPropFixed That's the neat idea i must say, good compromise.
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 482 808,070 09-29-2013, 02:15 AM
    Thread: Update coming! Brave testers needed!
Post: RE: Update almost ready! Brave testers needed!

Ehm, i'm probably a bit not on topic. Maybe somebody will eliminate the one tiny old bug in Editor in the spare time :) Description here
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 482 808,070 09-26-2013, 11:27 AM
    Thread: More input needed on CS update!
Post: RE: More input needed on CS update!

I'm for first one. p.s Can't there be both variants? :) Maybe, a checkbox in the launcher/options.. bool in cfg or something like that? Probably the task is too complex for such switching, just guess...
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 17 18,582 09-16-2013, 11:20 AM
    Thread: Need help debugging various script functions
Post: RE: Need help debugging various script functions

Just read carefully function description, and you'll understand the problem. HPL2 Wiki
Javist Development Support 30 22,953 09-14-2013, 07:46 PM
    Thread: Any Sexual content?
Post: RE: Any Sexual content?

Of course there is. Moderately. The game isn't intended for children, that's for sure imho. Spoiler below! This could fit the theme (18+), lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9tqdaGT_QY
Javist General Discussion 13 13,453 09-13-2013, 06:42 PM
    Thread: Script problem, need help please
Post: RE: Script problem, need help please

Hard to say. No offense, but, pasted code looks horrible. I mean the style of code. No indentations. Probably, the forum has trimmed them. Few advices: - Never paste big code as text. Pastebin (or ana...
Javist Development Support 6 5,148 09-13-2013, 04:20 PM
    Thread: Got Stuck
Post: RE: Got Stuck

You're not alone D: http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-22816.html
Javist General Discussion 7 10,466 09-10-2013, 12:52 PM
    Thread: Gamma Issue
Post: RE: Gamma Issue

Maybe you have software intended for screen correction? (It could be driver feature too) Just a guess, for example i'm using F.lux and i have to shutdown it before play, otherwise gamma will be uncont...
Javist Technical Support - Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 6 6,849 09-10-2013, 09:27 AM
    Thread: Locked myself ?
Post: Locked myself ?

Seems i accidently locked myself. I went to the passage behind the statue of bear.. and, no idea why i pushed it back to the place. lol :) The little door closed after that, and, seems there's no way ...
Javist Technical Support - Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 15 17,036 09-10-2013, 09:15 AM
    Thread: Updating script support, taking requests
Post: RE: Updating script support, taking requests

(08-31-2013, 09:43 PM)palistov Wrote: Aw. Well when does HPL2 go open source so I can fork it and hack in things I want? :3You think HPL2 can become Open Source? Thinking about it makes me drool, lo...
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 78 94,153 08-31-2013, 10:43 PM
    Thread: Updating script support, taking requests
Post: RE: Updating script support, taking requests

That's bit sad, but - it can be understood. Thanks for the efforts anyway! :) p.s Can later we be able to see the list of suggestions that have been accepted?
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 78 94,153 08-31-2013, 07:34 PM
    Thread: Updating script support, taking requests
Post: RE: Updating script support, taking requests

A bit out of topic question..just wondering. Will this upcoming update affect only the game (TDD) or tools too?
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 78 94,153 08-30-2013, 03:48 PM
    Thread: Scripting!
Post: RE: Scripting!

Looks interesting. I could help with something in my spare time (which's not much). Didn't actually made my own CS.. but did scripting and some translations.
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 8 10,186 08-28-2013, 11:02 PM
    Thread: Updating script support, taking requests
Post: RE: Updating script support, taking requests

Bridge, Umm, well.. probably that function for string is really superfluous as their scope of application is very limited. It's just like that. And yes, lol, it Was broken. My mind flew off somewhere,...
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 78 94,153 08-28-2013, 09:27 PM
    Thread: Updating script support, taking requests
Post: RE: Updating script support, taking requests

Quote: Can you make the if-else function that the parameter could turn Integers to Bools and vice-versa? Quote:Could you rephrase this? Not sure I understand exactly. Well.. i may mistake here, but i ...
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 78 94,153 08-28-2013, 05:44 PM
    Thread: Updating script support, taking requests
Post: RE: Updating script support, taking requests

This thread lifted up my mood, unexpectable :) Would like to support Apjjm's list. It's covers almost everything that i lacked. Also, i have one own suggestion for consideration: It's something like ...
Javist Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 78 94,153 08-28-2013, 12:26 PM