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    Thread: No LevelEditor.exe in redist
Post: RE: No LevelEditor.exe in redist

This may be a stupid question, but have you downloaded the editing tools from the wiki?
Padster Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 2 3,393 06-26-2012, 08:28 PM
    Thread: those FREAKING note's ! ( SOLVED )
Post: RE: those FREAKING note's !

Check out the Scripts Recollection thread, it explains how to do most of those.
Padster Custom Stories, TCs & Mods 10 10,701 02-17-2011, 07:38 PM
    Thread: Multiplayer/Co-Op & Frictional Games? NO!!!
Post: RE: Amnesia should have CO-OP... ;P

So for the balancing, how about applying a filter to the monsters' screen to make it almost impossible for them to see into dark areas? That would bring back the ability for the player to hide in the ...
Padster General Discussion 719 826,944 02-14-2011, 09:52 PM
    Thread: Funny Dead Space 2 Add
Post: RE: Funny Dead Space 2 Add

Lol, show those moms some Amnesia or Penumbra footage.
Padster Off-Topic 36 54,170 01-17-2011, 07:19 PM
    Thread: Frontcannon's Maps -- The Magic Rooms - Part 1 & 2 available!
Post: RE: Frontcannon's Maps -- The Magic Rooms - Part 1...

Very nice. I can't wait for the next part! On start of the stair way down to the storage area, there is a visual glitch on the ceiling. The only other issue I found was in the room with the library ke...
Padster Showcase 40 67,192 01-17-2011, 06:53 AM
    Thread: List of Graphics Cards and Drivers That Work With Amnesia
Post: RE: List of Graphics Cards and Drivers That Work W...

Card: Nvidia 480, Nividia 330M FPS: Runs very nicely maxed, Runs well on low, runs playable on medium Cost: $445, Unknown Port: PCI-E 2.0, Unknown Driver Version: Most recent drivers, Most recent ...
Padster General Discussion 18 28,423 01-09-2011, 07:03 AM
    Thread: this is a n00b question!
Post: RE: this is a n00b question!

you my friend are a feeking genius!!! Thanks for the help.
Padster Custom Stories, TCs & Mods 7 7,190 12-02-2010, 04:23 AM
    Thread: this is a n00b question!
Post: RE: this is a n00b question!

haha i dont really know what im doing anywhere! Like what is the deference between on enter and on exit? I assumed it meant the level.
Padster Custom Stories, TCs & Mods 7 7,190 12-02-2010, 04:07 AM
    Thread: this is a n00b question!
Post: RE: this is a n00b question!

here is what i have coded for my first OnStart and the game is giveing me a FATAL ERROR and saying that the ERR is :Expectide '(' haha i have no idea what that means! void OnStart() { { AddUseItemCa...
Padster Custom Stories, TCs & Mods 7 7,190 12-02-2010, 03:55 AM
    Thread: this is a n00b question!
Post: this is a n00b question!

how do i put more than one script function withing a Void OnStart()? I'm asking because it wont let me script multiple OnStart()s.
Padster Custom Stories, TCs & Mods 7 7,190 12-02-2010, 03:43 AM
    Thread: Scariest Crap In You Pants Moments
Post: RE: Scariest Crap In You Pants Moments

The scariest moment for me was in the part where you are hunting down the drill bits. In one of the rooms off the central area there is a door with a grunt standing right behind it. I opened the door,...
Padster Hints, help and spoilers 125 183,063 12-01-2010, 09:49 PM