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    Thread: Story Spoilers: Nyarlathotep?
Post: RE: Story Spoilers: Nyarlathotep?

Interesting, But it wasn't a pyramid, it was an aztec temple: https://www.google.dk/search?safe=off&q=...7AbCyIGYAQ The aztecs would cut out the hearts of livings as sacrifice to the gods, the...
Gyldenglad General Discussion 13 15,999 09-11-2013, 09:19 PM
    Thread: Disappointed with AAMFP
Post: Amnesia: AMFP is underwhelming (minor spoilers)

I played this game, completed it and enjoyed it. However I do not believe it is better than the first one. Here are some key points: The interactive gaming is almost completely removed. I was hones...
Gyldenglad General Discussion 315 281,378 09-11-2013, 08:40 PM
    Thread: The closet
Post: RE: The closet

Does a naked guy jump out and rape us? Some pictures or concept video would be nice.
Gyldenglad Showcase 35 54,149 04-07-2012, 03:07 AM
    Thread: A Laugh in the Darkness - Chapter 2 [The Door]
Post: RE: A Laugh in the Darkness - Chapter 2 [The Door]

So what is the real name of the custom story? Is it: 1) A Laugh in the Darkness or 2) Laughing in the Darkness ? Your topic says 1, but the game folder says 2. I want to get it right on my YT.
Gyldenglad Showcase 76 150,095 03-25-2012, 12:56 AM
    Thread: The Best Amnesia Custom Stories?
Post: RE: The Best Amnesia Custom Stories?

I can recommend a few, which brings the best memories (these are olds): * Attic 1 + 2 * La Caza * Baldo's Discovery * Nepsis * Abduction * Cannibalism * Portals? * Recurring Nightmares (Short but wel...
Gyldenglad Custom Stories, TCs & Mods 6 62,903 03-20-2012, 12:15 PM
    Thread: Amnesia--Severe Fraps lag
Post: RE: Amnesia--Severe Fraps lag

Did you try to run amnesia in a window instead?
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 9 10,499 03-19-2012, 12:36 AM
    Thread: Amnesia--Severe Fraps lag
Post: RE: Amnesia--Severe Fraps lag

I experience same issue, but more light. Fraps is locked at around 30 fps for me, sometimes I get drops, not sure if its because of the custom map or the fact that I'm recording with fraps. Specs: In...
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 9 10,499 03-18-2012, 11:14 AM
    Thread: KIA: Vincent's Victims
Post: RE: KIA: Vincent's Victims

[Video: http://<a href="http://www.youtube.com/w...0QriqM</a>] Found some glitches here and there, but I believe I pulled it off correctly. :)
Gyldenglad Showcase 10 16,313 03-17-2012, 03:44 AM
    Thread: The Attic: Chapter 2 Release!
Post: RE: The Attic: Chapter 2 Release!

Did you use any third party sound components? My youtube video is flagged as such: [Video: http://<a href="http://www.youtube.com/w...uZxcgU</a>]
Gyldenglad Showcase 50 71,904 01-17-2012, 06:52 PM
    Thread: The Attic: Chapter 2 Release!
Post: RE: The Attic: Chapter 2 Release!

Hey! I just completed your custom story, took about 1 hour, I went pretty slow and didn't haste through stuff, decided to look for secrets etc. Here's my general thoughts: Spoiler below! ...
Gyldenglad Showcase 50 71,904 01-17-2012, 03:52 AM
    Thread: What components should I get?
Post: RE: What components should I get?

With an intel of the specs that I recommended is only £722, not 900.. When a PC that I recommended you can *easily* upgrade as you go or add things if you like, as there are no real bottleneck. If you...
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 38 40,035 12-11-2011, 10:52 PM
    Thread: What components should I get?
Post: RE: What components should I get?

Even though you say that it is much more than he really "needs" I still don't get why you would even recommend outdated software when he can make a fine PC that only goes a little over his budget. I ...
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 38 40,035 12-11-2011, 07:42 PM
    Thread: What components should I get?
Post: RE: What components should I get?

I suppose you mean i5-2500k not i7 :P
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 38 40,035 12-10-2011, 07:53 PM
    Thread: What components should I get?
Post: RE: What components should I get?

It's good that you found a GD55 instead of the GD65, it really saves some money. Change the PSU, as long as it's atleast 600W it should be fine. Lucke, that is really your choice. I know that I would...
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 38 40,035 12-10-2011, 07:07 PM
    Thread: What components should I get?
Post: RE: What components should I get?

The PC I recommended will last 3 years at least. That is unless something epic happens which we can't foresee. You can't really build a PC to last more than 3 years, because if you do so it will cost ...
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 38 40,035 12-10-2011, 06:21 PM
    Thread: What components should I get?
Post: RE: What components should I get?

I've been checking some of these components that are put here, and I don't like what I see.. Some of them seem too random and appears to be put together according to price rather than what is good for...
Gyldenglad Technical Support - Amnesia: The Dark Descent 38 40,035 12-10-2011, 03:16 PM
    Thread: Justine Patch
Post: RE: Justine Patch

Haha! You must be the most stupid son of a bitch I know. You openly admit you got a game illegally on the games OWN website? I hope you get fined & get a time in jail.
Gyldenglad Mac - ATDD 3 7,182 12-10-2011, 02:19 AM
    Thread: A custom story for PewDiePie
Post: RE: A custom story for PewDiePie

(12-09-2011, 03:14 AM)Statyk Wrote: Seriously... ANOTHER PewDiePie map?... Like Arvuti said, WHEN is this PewDiePie, map-making thing actually going to end? No offense, but it's really getting old. ...
Gyldenglad Showcase 43 103,633 12-09-2011, 03:47 AM
    Thread: House of Creep 3 - Custom Story
Post: RE: House of Creep 3 - Custom Story

is this still a pewdiepie experience? if it is then I aint gonna play it, but will wait to see pewdie's LP instead.
Gyldenglad Showcase 51 203,373 12-08-2011, 09:39 PM
  Wink Thread: 24 Dec | Amnesia: Christmas Calendar 2011?
Post: RE: 8 Dec | Amnesia: Christmas Calendar

Alright I completed it, even before looking at your solution, I found it this way: Spoiler below! I went for a walk with the arm and I threw it around on the last door and it hit the key s...
Gyldenglad Showcase 33 52,774 12-08-2011, 09:27 PM