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    Thread: Looking for: Voice Actors
Post: Looking for: Voice Actors

Hi guys! I´m looking for some people that will speak a voice or two in my custom story. I have 4 voices already and I´m looking for 3 more. 2 Men (0 found) 2 Women (0 found) If you want, please con...
TheSniperMajor Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 3 5,740 03-28-2013, 07:18 PM
    Thread: Searching for scripter
Post: RE: Searching for scripter

Thank you very much! I´ve sent you my Skype-adress. Greating
TheSniperMajor Development Support 5 5,064 03-18-2013, 02:03 PM
    Thread: Searching for scripter
Post: Searching for scripter

Hey guys! I´m currently thinking about making a custom story, which should be exciting an based on a story. I now completed the conecept for the story, but I simply can not script. I know the basics,...
TheSniperMajor Development Support 5 5,064 03-18-2013, 12:27 PM
    Thread: Chemical Script needed
Post: Chemical Script needed

Hey guys! I need a little help. I have already looked in the wiki, but I found nothing there. So, what I need: I want that, if the player combines the chemical container with the bucket of tar (or the...
TheSniperMajor Development Support 1 2,244 12-06-2012, 03:15 PM
    Thread: Last Easter - looking for...
Post: RE: Last Easter - looking for...

So, you wanted some of my work. Here it is: http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-19374.html As you see, I am not a very good scripter, so I´m seeking one. If you are interessted, just send me a...
TheSniperMajor Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 2 3,110 12-03-2012, 09:33 PM
    Thread: Box Light\Spotlight\Point light doesn't work
Post: RE: Box Light\Spotlight\Point light doesn't work

I have built a room with a window and a spotlight. Then I placed the spotlight in front of the window, a big FOV and a big radius. No boxlight! -> and still it won´t work. What could be the problem...
TheSniperMajor Development Support 7 8,348 12-02-2012, 01:01 AM
    Thread: Box Light\Spotlight\Point light doesn't work
Post: RE: Box Light\Spotlight\Point light doesn't work

I have the same problem. But only the Box/Spotlight don´t work. WTF? I checked these boxes and all of them are active. What can I do? Greatings
TheSniperMajor Development Support 7 8,348 12-01-2012, 09:27 PM
    Thread: Last Easter (Custom Story)
Post: RE: Last Easter (Custom Story)

Thank you for your comments! I´m sorry it was not so good, but it is the very first map I´ve ever made and I have taught myself everything. I will continue to work on my mapping and scripting (but on...
TheSniperMajor Showcase 9 12,307 11-30-2012, 12:01 AM
    Thread: Last Easter - looking for...
Post: Last Easter - looking for...

Hi guys! Seeking a scripter, with which I can make one. Is anyone interested? The texts and the world would I create. I would also make a map in English and one (I'm German;)) do in German. If someone...
TheSniperMajor Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 2 3,110 10-18-2012, 04:37 PM