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    Thread: Portal: The Dark Descent (Portal Meets Amnesia)
Post: RE: Portal: The Dark Descent (Portal Meets Amnesia...

Can you make a mediafire upload? The other one was taken down PLEASE I WANNA PLAY!
x KayVeeRiot x Showcase 13 26,289 08-01-2012, 10:43 AM
    Thread: Amnesia: Through the Portal (2.0 Expansion Released)
Post: RE: Amnesia: Through the Portal (2.0 Expansion Rel...

Just downloaded it. Ill give you my feedback once I've completed the playthrough,it looks stunning I must say ;)
x KayVeeRiot x Showcase 236 414,800 07-26-2012, 08:14 PM
    Thread: A Laugh in the Darkness - Chapter 2 [The Door]
Post: RE: A Laugh in the Darkness - Chapter 2 [The Door]

The first one scared the absolute shit out of me (I have a clown phobia) So I'm exited to see how many new nightmares I'm going to get here. LOVE THE COLORS! //Thumbs up//
x KayVeeRiot x Showcase 76 150,041 07-26-2012, 07:06 PM
    Thread: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story
Post: RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story

I'm truly exited to play this. It's not often that a genuine story comes out. RAGE! I want to play it now. If I find my mic I'll voice act. Steam: kayveeriot
x KayVeeRiot x Custom Stories, TCs & Mods - Development 57 124,177 07-26-2012, 07:02 PM