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Thread: I have a question.
Post: RE: I have a question.
There isn´t an official model for example from Daniel, but this is what he would look like: |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
6 |
9,903 |
12-31-2014, 03:55 PM |
Thread: Love this series!
Post: RE: Love this series!
Not all of them are in the same category as Amnesia or Penumbra.
I have played:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl, Cry of Fear, Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Afraid of Monsters, Sys... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
4 |
6,970 |
12-31-2014, 02:07 PM |
Thread: Justine big mistake
Post: RE: Justine big mistake
I kinda agree that no savepoint in an 30 - 45 minute playthrough could be difficult and you maybe have to replay it several times. On the other hand in the original Amnesia you can save whenever you w... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
10 |
15,536 |
12-31-2014, 01:37 PM |
Thread: Which Amnesia Game distressed you more?
Post: RE: Which Amnesia Game distressed you more?
1. TDD
2. Justine
3. AMfP
I just couldn't get into the new Amnesia...only enjoyed the first hour. TDD is my best horror-experience until yet. |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
19 |
19,074 |
03-24-2014, 08:49 AM |
Thread: Where to start? (With a new question!)
Post: RE: Where to start? (With a new question!)
I recommend to start with the poor ones (teleporting naked guys, no story, bugs on mass, Pewdiepie dedicated) and then start increasing the quality. Because if you start with custom stories like "The ... |
Onlinezigeuner |
Custom Stories, TCs & Mods
19 |
24,228 |
03-06-2014, 06:00 PM |
Thread: Great concepts but many loose ends.
Post: RE: Great concepts but many loose ends.
The ending was a bit of a letdown and not that satisfying, at least the one that I had. It's not that easy to add a ending that suits for the majority of the players...everybody has a different perspe... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
27 |
35,336 |
02-20-2014, 08:40 AM |
Thread: Fountain glitch/bug??
Post: RE: Fountain glitch/bug??
Mhm, that's strange cause i've only seen corpses of adults in the game. Is there any chance that you could load an earlier savepoint and take a screenshot of it? Maybe you revealed something never see... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
21 |
28,543 |
02-04-2014, 08:13 AM |
Thread: Which Amnesia do you like most?
Post: RE: Which Amnesia do you like most?
Amnesia TDD because:
the atmosphere and setting appeals to my taste (dark, classy, abandoned, spooky - environment)
couldn't played it for more than 30 minutes a day, because i had constantely the fe... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
5 |
6,873 |
01-28-2014, 08:52 AM |
Thread: People who you think are good modders, and could have a thumbs up!
Post: RE: People who you think are good modders, and cou...
I've played about 15 custom stories, but don't recognize any names...sadly.
I'm gonna try out the editor and planning to create one sooner or later, depends on several things. |
Onlinezigeuner |
Custom Stories, TCs & Mods
11 |
13,779 |
01-23-2014, 08:34 AM |
Thread: Real life Brennenburg castel
Post: RE: Real life Brennenburg castel
I've never dreamed of that. I wish i would in a peaceful way of course. Exploring, researching, crafting with nobody else around. Maybe i visit some abandoned castle some day with friends. |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
10 |
15,450 |
01-14-2014, 08:29 AM |
Thread: Amnesia The Dark Descent Steam Workshop?
Post: RE: Amnesia The Dark Descent Steam Workshop?
People that really care about custom stories, already know that is the best platform for such things. If a workshop on Steam would provide any new essential features then ok...But not all of... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
12 |
17,490 |
01-10-2014, 08:48 AM |
Thread: Which is your favorite room/location in Amnesia TDD?
Post: RE: Which is your favorite room/place in Amnesia T...
My favorite rooms are kinda the Library, Archive, Study and in second place the Storage and Wine Cellar.
I prefer the classy and familiar places where people actually have eaten, worked, lived and sle... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
40 |
54,707 |
01-05-2014, 02:04 PM |
Thread: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?
Post: RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the fir...
A friend of mine showed me back in spring 2011 a Teaser or Trailer of the game "Cryostasis". Somehow I managed to klick on the Amnesia Trailer and tried out the demo on Steam. A bit later I bought it,... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
44 |
55,756 |
12-25-2013, 10:28 PM |
Thread: Scariest amnesia music/amb's.
Post: RE: Scariest amnesia music/amb's.
13_eee (!)
general_piano... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
18 |
22,277 |
12-22-2013, 06:02 PM |
Thread: Corridors
Post: RE: Corridors
To improve corridors in Amnesia I would recommend removing some obvious jumpscares. Maybe adding some doors (rooms) at the left or right. In some custom stories there is somewhere a long hallway with ... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
3 |
5,396 |
12-09-2013, 08:46 AM |
Thread: Will FG \ CR make a "JUSTINE" addon for MFP? Would you like it?
Post: RE: Will FG \ CR make a "JUSTINE" addon for MFP? W...
As i said in one thread that i didn't enjoyed AMfP that much, i go with another good custom stories like white night and the great work or tenebris lake, obscurity...i doubt that they will do that bec... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
7 |
8,705 |
11-27-2013, 03:41 PM |
Thread: Mindfuck moments, games, videos.
Post: RE: Mindfuck moments, games, videos.
"Would you kindly?" - the Plot-Twist from the first Bioshock.
The ending from Half-Life 2 i guess...not sure since my last playthrough happened several years ago.
Some parts from Cry of Fear... |
Onlinezigeuner |
22 |
25,215 |
11-22-2013, 08:41 AM |
Thread: If Daniel has nyctophobia,,,
Post: RE: If Daniel has nyctophobia,,,
They sure had some torches with them and he wasn't alone like the others said. It would be interesting if someone could create a CS where you are in this pyramid and play as daniel. (Remembers me of L... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
17 |
21,216 |
11-22-2013, 08:19 AM |
Thread: The Escape Button
Post: RE: The Escape Button
I don't think that this would be a good idea. For every SP you need a possibility to pause. I agree with the reasons the others mentioned. But the pausing while you are in your inventory/notes and so ... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
35 |
38,625 |
11-15-2013, 08:34 AM |
Thread: Does Perma Death make a game scarier?
Post: RE: Does Perma Death make a game scarier?
In my opinion it doesn`t matter, because the atmosphere, well placed jumpscares, soundambience, unknown, cruel story and the helplessness makes it scary for me and not the consequences of loading an e... |
Onlinezigeuner |
General Discussion
38 |
49,144 |
11-15-2013, 08:17 AM |