Hello i cant get this to work ! :'( A Locked Key to be open by a key on the floor but cant get it to work please help and cant get the key to get name "Cell Key" Here is the scripts...
<Main Name="The Espace From Caslte" Author="Hasse951 Aka Jesseh Music" StartMap="00.intro.map" StartPos="" /> <LANGUAGE> <CATEGORY Name="The Esapace From Castle"> <Entry Name="Jonah is escaping from the castle in a middle of no were ">
<CATEGORY Name ="Inventory"> <Entry Name="Itemdeac_cellkey_1">"Cell key to the locked Cell door"</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_cellkey_1">Cell Key</Entry
im new on scripts first day im working with it! please answer!
// Run when Leaving map
void onleave
The mistakes were that you used a captiel T in true, you didn't put the other quotation mark on UsedKeyOnDoor in void onEnter. Some other mistakes you made in the rest of the script were missing quotations from RemoveItem("cellkey_1");, you also didn't name your function right.. If that doesn't work post it again.
<LANGUAGE> <CATEGORY Name="The Esapace From Castle"> <Entry Name="Jonah is escaping from the castle in a middle of no were ">
<CATEGORY Name ="Inventory"> <Entry Name="Itemdeac_cellkey_1">"Cell key to the locked Cell door"</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_cellkey_1">Cell Key</Entry
Ok. Make a new text document file and rename it to: custom_story_settings, now make it a .cfg file. After that put this into that file (through opening it with notepad):
Name = ""
Author = ""
ImgFile = ""
MapsFolder = ""
StartMap = ""
StartPos = ""
Fill out what you want and save it to your custom story directory.
Now make another text document and name it: extra_english and make it a .lang file. After that go into it by using notepad and put this in:
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">You need to turn off the generator. Do it fast. What a great story</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name ="Inventory">
<Entry Name="Itemdeac_cellkey_1">"Cell key to the locked Cell door"</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_cellkey_1">Cell Key</Entry
Save to your custom story directory as well. It should work now.
Name = "The Castle"
Author = "Hasse951 "
ImgFile = ""
MapsFolder = "K:\Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist\custom_stories\Lets go to darkness\maps"
StartMap = "00.intro.map"
StartPos = ""
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">You need to turn off the generator. Do it fast. What a great story</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name ="Inventory">
<Entry Name="Itemdeac_cellkey_1">"Cell key to the locked Cell door"</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_cellkey_1">Cell Key</Entry
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">You need to turn off the generator. Do it fast. What a great story</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name ="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_cellkey_1">"Cell key to the locked Cell door"</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_cellkey_1">Cell Key</Entry
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain"> <Entry Name="Description">This is the story about Jonah was prisoner in the castle in middle of now were.</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name ="Inventory"> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_key_1">"Cell Key"</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_ckey_1">Cell Key</Entry
And this ph File in Intro
// Run when entering map
void OnEnter()
AddUseItemCallback("", "key_1", "celldoor_1", "UsedKeyOnDoor", true);