Hi I am currently planning on making my own Custom story, but I have no idea of how many of the functions and scripting works in the Leveleditor :/
So I would like to ask if someone could help me with those stuff? Don't worry, I will design the maps myself and the story, but I really just don't know how all of the other stuff works out, so if anyone would be nice to help me, just reply back in this thread (or PM me).
A TINY bit about the story (haven't worked on it yet): it takes place down in some sewers and places like the Cistern in the original game (whatever a Cistern actually is). I had the idea of the story being played by a man called ---. He wakes up somewhere in the sewers and have no clue about anything (cause he have amnesia). He then finds notes on his way, which are written by himself, telling him what has happened and why, kinda like a guide.
About the enemies in this story, I thought it should be the Justine monsters, because the others are overused IMO. Also about the music: because I want an Custom story with some actually original stuff in it, I wanted to use some other games music in this, some fitting (which could also be from Penumbra, or Silent Hill, some scary games).
So, again, if anyone can help me, please don't be afraid to contact me