(03-18-2012, 10:26 AM)viperdream1 Wrote: (03-18-2012, 01:01 AM)ArcHitecK Wrote: Hi dude, nice job as I have seen so far on the video and the pictures.
But can't manage to make the map working, it just crash the game. So i wonder if you can check this out or give me an help about the installation of your CS.
Also did you used google trad for the french in your custom story cause it's not really a good translation (seriously i was like: dafuk did i just read), also I can help you for the translation if you want to.
It's probably because the download is a year old, I haven't bothered to update it yet. I don't think there'll even be another demo.
And I used my own skills from the French language for it, I know some parts aren't great but that's because it's mixed with English so everyone can still understand it and the accents can't be shown in the font from the game.
Also, I've sent you a PM about the beta HumilatioN
That can explain why the demo doesn't work indeed =)
Well I guess the mixed language was a good choice to make it understandable for everyone.
By the way your work looks promising, so good luck for finishing your custom story, and also if you need any help for testing or some little translation, just send me a pm. I'll be glad to help, if needed of course.