(04-10-2012, 09:52 AM)Zipi Wrote: Hey,
I was wondering if there was anyway to make a object like the torch (which the player cant interactive with) have physics and the player can pick up just like a barrel etc.
Yes, it's possible! Open your ModelEditor and import the torch you are interested in. Press settings -> user defined variables and change the Type from Lamp to Object, and choose the SubType: Grab.
Now is your torch grabable!
I would recommend you to change its body since a cube is not kinda realistic. Change the body's mass, angular damping, speed, etc, and everything will be perfect. Good luck!
EDIT: I got an idea for you. If you want your torch to be hanging on the wall from the beginning, you could also create a BallJoint in the ModelEditor that is breakable, set breakforce to 35 or something. Then your torch will be hanging on the the wall and be removable for the player. I tried it out by myself and it worked great.