(04-12-2012, 11:34 PM)Zannibal Wrote: Spiders. I have arachophobia and I can't get to Section C. I try to tell myself it's just a fucking game but as soon as a giant spider jumps to my screen I can't help but pause the game and cover my face with my hands
(not facepalm..) I guess I'll have to get a savegame so I can get to Section C.
Other than that.. well, I've spoiled these games pretty well (won't do the same mistake with Machine...) so I'm not really that afraid of anything. But maybe it's brute. You don't really want to get in touch with that one.
I sure do not want to get hit by that Brute ( who is faster than he looks), but would make an interesting chef (with that blade) or a signer (with that voice).
Sorry to hear that you have arachnophobia, I hope you can one day overcome it. Light/fire seems to drive these giants one (which are really annoying), but I just run like crazy (with the flashlight on of course) until I can get to a spider-free area!
Here's a funny thought, have a special Amnesia level where the Brute hunts those spiders instead of us