I'm trying to play this mod, but I am missing almost all textures. hpl.log contains a bunch of these:
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/amn
esia the dark descent/textures/dnh/metal_floor.mat'
which seems rather odd considering I'm playing on Linux and my Amnesia is located in ~/Amnesia.
Can this bug be fixed?
EDIT: You can work around the hard-coded path issue by running the below Perl script I whipped up...
use warnings;
use strict;
undef $/;
for my $file (qw(./entities/dnh/furniture_office_chair01/furniture_office_chair01.ent
open my $ih,'<',$file;
binmode $ih;
my $contents = <$ih>;
close $ih;
$contents =~ s!C:/Program Files \(x86\)/Steam/steamapps/common/amnesia the dark descent!PATHTOYOURREDISTFOLDER!g;
open my $oh,'>',$file;
binmode $oh;
print $oh $contents;
close $oh;
but that won't solve the texture problem because the textures' sizes are not powers of 2 which means they will fail to load no matter what (or at least on Linux using the r600g driver). This is bad practice, developer!