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Neurotechnology: Run in terror from Brutes with your mind
Zaffre Away
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Neurotechnology: Run in terror from Brutes with your mind

Hi. I was browsing YouTube today and I came across an interesting little video showing off some sort of mind-headset. Basically, it analyzes brain waves coming from different parts of your mind and does things in a program depending on it. I went to their site and saw that they had a card that came with the headset that makes it compatible with other games than the ones coded specifically for the headset. For example, thinking "lift" could let you cast a levitation spell in a fantasy game.

I think this looks very interesting indeed. I think this might add a lot to immersion in horror games, and just video games in general as well. You can be immersed with headphones, a mouse, and a keyboard, sure, but what about controlling Amnesia using your mind? This sounds like a good concept to me.

Oh, and controlling a game titled Amnesia by thinking sounds ironic to me.

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(This post was last modified: 12-03-2012, 12:59 AM by Zaffre.)
12-03-2012, 12:59 AM
Statyk Offline
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RE: Neurotechnology: Run in terror from Brutes with your mind

I really hope I wouldn't be scared and think of shitting myself, and Daniel does it. Oh god...
12-03-2012, 01:44 AM

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