(12-18-2012, 05:20 PM)CorinthianMerchant Wrote: I am too oversensitive.
And I'm incredibly undersensitive, and some may call me too apathetic.
I have plenty of fun displaying it too.
That shooting of the kids? Didn't care. It's a shame, but shit happens.
People getting murdered, dying of starvation, living in poverty. Don't care. I don't know these people, so I honestly don't give a damn.
Even when my grandfather died. I didn't grieve.
I accept death as a part of life. It happens, sometimes sooner than it needs to.
I'd consider myself anti-thiest.
I'd consider myself anti-feminist.
I hate stupidity.
I show no sympathy for those who take their own lives. Or who cut themselves.
I believe that the media is bullshit. They just hop onto social bandwagons. Anybody remember Kony, and the big deal made about him? How about Amanda Todd? You don't hear these things anymore because, as much as the faux humanists don't want to admit, they truly don't care about these issues. They just say they do so they don't come across as an apathetic jerk. They want to feel as though they're socially aware by liking the facebook page. But I see right through it.
So yeah. TL;DR, Obliviator is an asshole in most people's eyes.