(02-27-2013, 04:18 PM)Kman Wrote: I swear that is literally the only song by MM anyone knows
It is their signature song... First song I heard from them because of Guitar Hero World Tour when I was like 11. Great game for finding new music as a kid.
They have so many better songs thooo. I understand your point though. I've actually run into a lot of the bands I found on Guitar Hero over the past year, it's kinda cool (Gallows, The Fall of Troy, Modest Mouse).
(02-26-2013, 02:57 AM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: OFF-TOPIC: YAY! I CAN POST AGAIN! Thanks for giving me a lesson, Scraper. I will NEVER do that again.
What happened?
I posted something idiotic.
Delirium92 and me did this for atleast a page on the AAMFP Discussion Thread (it was deleted now.). This temporarily disables me and Delirium92 from unable to post anything. We can't even PM people! I'll never do that again. It was a lesson i've never forget.