Know what I'm ashamed we don't see enough of? Spike's character. He's become a bundle of puns and sitcom tropes, and while it adds for some so-so humor every now and then, it's working to dissolve his character. He has such an interesting origin: He doesn't know who the hell he, or his parents are, and he lives with a pony who represents so many roles it's creepy(mom, big sister, best friend, master, partner). I did like the idea of the Spike/Applejack episode, which in theory meant to show more flaw in his character's dynamic, but I felt this could be better executed and should be done again.
Also, season 3 had absolutely no Rarity episode. What the buck? Though luckily, Pinky Pie has been on fire throughout the entire season. With a hilarious part to play in nearly every episode, she has been a dramatic source of comedy that leaves room for others to be expanded on seriously. For instance: in Rainbow Dash's episode, we get a good look at the dangers of recklessness and how the goals Dash sought kept her from doing what's right. Pinky's part in the episode served as more than a gag, bringing Dash's choices into question. I hope to see more intertwining like this in future episodes.
(04-09-2013, 04:06 PM)failedALIAS Wrote: Know what I'm ashamed we don't see enough of? Spike's character. He's become a bundle of puns and sitcom tropes, and while it adds for some so-so humor every now and then, it's working to dissolve his character. He has such an interesting origin: He doesn't know who the hell he, or his parents are, and he lives with a pony who represents so many roles it's creepy(mom, big sister, best friend, master, partner). I did like the idea of the Spike/Applejack episode, which in theory meant to show more flaw in his character's dynamic, but I felt this could be better executed and should be done again.
Also, season 3 had absolutely no Rarity episode. What the buck? Though luckily, Pinky Pie has been on fire throughout the entire season. With a hilarious part to play in nearly every episode, she has been a dramatic source of comedy that leaves room for others to be expanded on seriously. For instance: in Rainbow Dash's episode, we get a good look at the dangers of recklessness and how the goals Dash sought kept her from doing what's right. Pinky's part in the episode served as more than a gag, bringing Dash's choices into question. I hope to see more intertwining like this in future episodes.
you sir. are awesome, i would love to learn spikes origins. i would also like to see more spike with moustache. i moustache him some very important questions
Personally I actually found Pinkie Pie to be the most forced slapstick character in season 3 with the most unfunny moment throughout the actual season which mostly consisted of loud screaming, particularly in some of the episodes in the middle of the season, such as her in Wonderbolts Academy, and Spike at your Service. Not all were bad though, there were still quite a few that weren't annoying, and genuinely funny, like her gags in the Crystal Empire, and Games Ponies Play.
@ merchant. well... its more of a hidden thought. what if aj was realy sweetiebots sister in the sense that aj actualy created sweetiebot with the help of rarity.