For future reference, support questions should go in
Developement Support. You're more likely to get help quickly there :)
Just to add on to what JAP said:
- Strings are names of things and go in brackets (example: "servant_grunt_1")
- Bools are true/false values
- Floats are always decimal values with an f (example: 0.125f), the most common type is a time variable where the float value is given in seconds
- Int (Integers) are whole-number values and cannot have decimal places (example: 1)
- Text that isn't part of the script is indicated by two forward slashes (example: //Fix this later)
If you're using Notepad instead of
Geany or
Notepad++, I would highly recommend switching. Both of the programs I suggested are free :D
Once you've downloaded one (or both) of those programs, change the language in it to C++. That way, your strings, bools, and floats are colour-coded. It's just a really nifty way of making sure you don't forget a bracket or an f somewhere :p
In Notepad++, the language options are in the top bar, not hard to find at all. C++ is under the C drop-down menu.
Floats and ints are orange,
strings are grey,
bools are blue, and
non-script text (side-notes) are green.
In Geany, I have no idea because I never downloaded it :p I just know it's a program that a lot of other people here use.
Oh, and welcome to the forum!
Thanks for catching the int thing, Adrianis!