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Carthage [video recovery process = 100%]
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: Carthage

Data recovery output log:
- Server cache: corrupted comms data found.
Recovering................ Successful
Uploading................ Done

FORUM2MAIL_BOT resuming................ Done

******** 2-way uplink established ********

TO: p.weis@carthage_industries.com
FROM: all.staff@carthage_industries.com
SENT: August 5, 2102
SUBJECT: Management changes

To all Colleagues,

Please note that as of today, all current operational contracts with Utica labs are terminated. All embedded Carthage staff working at Utica sites will withdraw immediately, following data cleansing procedures, and will contact their line managers for new assignments. All R&D contracts previously in place with Utica are hereby superseded by standard non-disclosure agreements.

On a completely unrelated note, please allow me to join Mr Yutani in welcoming a new member of the Supervisory Board. Mr Arthur Doolittle will be taking over management of the excavation project at the Bathos-III Arctic Research Station. We trust the Bathos-III team will make him feel welcome. Mr Doolittle will obviously be very busy during this settling in period, and may not be able to respond to comms.

Warmest regards,
Petra Weis, PA

on behalf of
David Yutani, CEO,
Carthage Supervisory Board,

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5718]

SSDPatho_836258:\ > RECOVER.EXE /pause

******** uplink paused ********

SSDPatho_836258:\ > RESDIV.EXE /from="comms" /to="vid_proc"
Unmounting virtual resources "comms".
Mounting virtual resources "vid_proc".
"vid_proc" is ready.

SSDPatho_836258:\ > VIDRESTOR.EXE /resume /verbose
Vid Restor is resuming...
Found video file at SSDPatho_836258:\recovery\
Processing video recovery... 5%...
Processing video recovery... 10%...
Processing video recovery... 15%...
Processing video recovery... 20%...
Processing video recovery... 25%...

08-05-2016, 01:32 PM
A.M Team Offline

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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 25%]

Quote:Mr Arthur Doolittle

Oh boy, here we go again!
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2016, 02:12 PM by A.M Team.)
08-05-2016, 02:12 PM
Abion47 Offline
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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 25%]

X:\ > polreprt.exe /o 'Attachment 1'

Department Location: > Lisbon.Portugal
Report ID: > 883-5829478-3

Connecting to Lisbon.Portugal police records...
Handshaking with remote server... Done.
Requesting resource 'report_883-5829478-3'...

Date: August 3, 2102
Crime: N/A
Status: - CLOSED -

Receiving report files...
Page 1... Done.

Resource received. Saved as 'Attachment 1'.
Disconnecting... Disconnected from remote server.

Process terminated.


X:\ > polreprt.exe /o 'Attachment 2'

Department Location: > Seville.Spain
Report ID: > 71516434

Connecting to Seville.Spain police records...
Handshaking with remote server... Done.
Requesting resource 'report_71516434'...

Date: August 6, 2102
Status: - CLOSED -

Receiving report files...
Page 1... Done.

Resource received. Saved as 'Attachment 2'.
Disconnecting... Disconnected from remote server.

Process terminated.


Attachment 1
Attachment 2
08-06-2016, 10:16 PM
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 25%]

Processing video recovery... 30%...

(This post was last modified: 08-07-2016, 05:41 PM by MrBehemoth.)
08-07-2016, 11:24 AM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 30%]

Connection established.
Dumping log...
... Done!

> --// FG Terminal //--
> --// ver. 1.01 //--
> $ login
> -- Login Requested
> User: Romulator
> Password: ********************
> ---
> Logged in as Romulator
> ---
> $ exec report.exe
> --// Report.exe is now running //--
> -- Reported Posts [1]
> $ view
> -- PostID: #357086
> -- Reason: Post is irrelevant, unnecessary.
> $ /help PostID
> -- Commands; "PostID [val] [var] ..."
> -- [val] = post identifier number
> -- [var] = view, edit, quote, del
> $ PostID #357086 del, #357088 del,
> -- Confirm delete PostID #357086, #357088? [y/n]
> $ y
> -- Post deleted.
> -- There are appending posts. Take action? [y/n]
> $ n
> $ /quit report.exe
> -- report.exe closed.
> $ modnote "Irrelevant post[s] deleted by Romulator. Thread is being moderated."
> -- Mod Note has been added.
> /ping private MrBe* "You may edit your post - #357089".
> Private ping sent to MrBehemoth.
> $ /logout
> -- Logged out. End session? [y/n]
> $ y

End Transmission.
08-07-2016, 05:23 PM
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 30%]

Processing video recovery... 70%...
Processing video recovery... 75%...
Processing video recovery... 80%...

08-08-2016, 06:52 PM
MrBehemoth Offline
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Posts: 408
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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 80%]

Processing video recovery... 90%...
Processing video recovery... 95%...
Processing video recovery... 100%...

Vid Restor is done. Exiting...

SSDPatho_836258:\ > RECOVER.EXE /dumpToLog /modules "FORUM2MAIL_BOT.DLL"
Data recovery output log:
- Removable media: not found
- Network storage: not found
- User folders: not found
- Server cache: corrupted comms data found.
Recovering................ Successful
Uploading................ Done

FORUM2MAIL_BOT active. Uplink metadata:
<forum_bot>frictional games.com</>
Negotiating temporal differential................ Done

******** uplink ********

TO: p.weis@carthage_industries.com
FROM: d.yutani@carthage_industries.com
SENT: August 8, 2102

Petra, please send Doolittle the SCZM induction materials, we better get it installed at Bathos-III now that their WAU is up and running.

Oh, and I want 24hr surveillance on Doolittle. I still don't trust him.

| TO: a.doolittle@carthage_industries.com
| FROM: d.yutani@carthage_industries.com
| SENT: August 8, 2102
| SUBJECT: SCZM Induction

| Hey Arthur,
| Sorry about the cloak and dagger crap. I know you hate that kind of thing,
| but it was necessary. Hope you're keeping warm down there and that the
| goodbyes weren't too difficult. I'll have my lawyer wire the money to your
| daughter's account as we discussed.
| Now to work: it's time for the Bathos-III roll out of SCZM. I want you to
| select a core team and keep it on the down-low. I'll give you Sarang's notes,
| so you can follow the same process he did at Pathos-II. This is strictly need-
| to-know, obviously.
| I'll have Petra send you the induction materials by secure private message.
| Please share them with your chosen team.

| Cheers,
| David
[Image: attachment.php?aid=5718]

08-08-2016, 09:58 PM
Abion47 Offline
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Posts: 369
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RE: Carthage [video recovery process = 100%]

X:\ > mailserv.exe /msg 4000253.mail /trace

login: *********
pass: ********

Establishing connection to electronic mail servers...
Connection established.

[ERROR] Message corrupted. Attempt recovery?
(Warning: This action may destroy the message's contents.)
> Y

Recovering message data...

[ERROR] Sender data not found.
[ERROR] Subject data not found.
[ERROR] Body data cannot be verified. Format unknown.

Partial recovery successful.

************** Mail Body **************

TO: will_sara@uticalabs.co.net
SENT: August 8, 2102



************** Body Stop **************

Save recovered message data?
(Warning: This will overwrite the original message.)
> Y

Recovered message data saved.
Connection terminated.

Process terminated.

X:\ > mailsend.exe /contact sarahwills.addr /msg 4000268.mail /trace

login: ******
pass: ***************

Establishing connection to electronic mail servers...
Connection established.

************** Mail Body **************

TO: will_sara@uticalabs.co.net
FROM: s.abreu@carthage_industries.com
SENT: August 8, 2102
SUBJECT: FWD: Team Induction

----- Forwarded Message -----
TO: SCZMMailingList_Team31
FROM: a.doolittle@carthage_industries.com
SENT: August 8, 2102
SUBJECT: Team Induction

As you know, I've been chosen as the head of this new SCZM team. Now, as a preliminary action, I've been told to forward this video for all of you for induction purposes. Be sure to watch it in full before the orientation meeting at 1900 hours.



[Image: attachment.php?aid=5718]

| TO: will_sara@uticalabs.co.net
| FROM: ande_jame@uticalabs.co.net
| SENT: August 8, 2102
| SUBJECT: RE: RE: What the hell?
| sarah, youre not gonna believe this, but i had a thought. i forwarded
| those keys you sent me to the lab, and they said the keys worked on the
| terminal! i have no idea who sent you those keys, but it had to have been
| someone from carthage
| the bad news is that its not all good. turns out i was right about a lot
| of the data being corrupted. the good news though is that some of the stuff
| we managed to get was credentials to the carthage mail server, along with
| a new message that just came in. if im to be honest, i dont know what to
| make of it, but its definitely something you need to see.
| ill forward the message to you once we get it up and running
| anderson out
| | TO: will_sara@uticalabs.co.net
| | FROM: ande_jame@uticalabs.co.net
| | SENT: August 8, 2102
| | SUBJECT: RE: What the hell?
| |
| | it just looks like a series of keys. its impossible to guess what they
| | might be used for, but theyre harmless as they are
| |
| | as for the terminal, its a bit of a mess. we managed to get some of the
| | platters reassembled, but abreu was pretty thorough. ive had the boys take
| | a look at what we can, but they tell me that all the data theyve been able
| | to pull has just been a bunch of nonsense. they cant tell if its encrypted
| | or corrupted, but my money is on both
| |
| | anderson out
| |
| | | TO: ande_jame@uticalabs.co.net
| | | FROM: will_sara@uticalabs.co.net
| | | SENT: August 8, 2102
| | | SUBJECT: What the hell?
| | |
| | | Hey Jim, I just got this email. The scanners didn't pick up anything
| | | malicious attached to it, but it still strikes me as... odd. Do you know
| | | what it might mean?
| | |
| | | Also, do you have an update on Cathy's terminal?
| | |
| | | Sarah
| | |
| | | ----- Forwarded Message -----
| | | TO: will_sara@uticalabs.co.net
| | | FROM: <ERROR>
| | | SENT: August 8, 2102
| | |
| | | 977FAC705999FD898A5CF9DA00E9E9435349E70465515C9B6F002E98F9AD94B0
| | | 879F72D3DB92128B9482C98D915A1078A60795A421C4C3CFA11ABC1F5AC96AEE
| | | E3ADB4DBD292A3DE9555F977E5D12F7FEB8509BB73B5D59256D199AE23CAA1E1
| | | 84377BABE6DE911AF32AD697200BDBF0FD868A19E2E7297838E9ABC9A7D4A437
| | |
| | | A404ACD2E784A13EBBEEA6151F446E8D16B30597BB66E86DAFD2CB13DDDD852B
| | | 5898E9C4B464694F8FB67BAD2C7A8F079CFFB2F8FD037F8A6680C0CDF7762082

************** Body Stop **************

Uploading message to mail queue... Done.
Uploading attached media... Done.
Looking up remote mail server... Done.
Sending message... Done.

Process terminated.
(This post was last modified: 08-09-2016, 12:24 AM by Abion47.)
08-08-2016, 11:50 PM

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