Hello there!
I think the project is almost done (89-95%), i just need to add some items at some maps and add some more QUEST ADDED messages.
The news are that i managed to bring back an unused area in the Wine Cellar, you can reach it through an ladder in the room where rocks falls in the door.
Here are the screenshots of that area:
P.S.: The Amnesia developers removed that ladder and area because the "crouch in ladders" feature was removed from the game, but you can still reach that area! You just need to:
Go up the entire ladder until you can't go any futher, then move your vision to an are you can reach and them quickly jump-crouch (Spacebar + Ctrl) while moving foward. It can take a few tries, but that area IS reachable!
Other stuff are:
Added more places where the Wine item can be found (Wine Cellar is one of them, but don't worry, it's not poisoned)
The lantern model and Daniel's arm are removed/hidden. But the light is still visible. Also i changed the light color to an version more similar to the Early Alpha footage. It also has the same OFF sound (I took the audio from the footage since i could not find it anywhere. If you can, you can find it to me! See the footage and try to find an audio similar to it!)
The happy music when revealing the secret room at the Archives and when completing the Acid in the Laboratory are removed as acording to the Early Footage.
Herbert's Lost Diary is back! I also have an ideia of making an Super Secret folder. I have some videos and screenshots that i still not uploaded and may not upload either! Maybe i can put them in that folder. The password can be found on the 3 of Herbert's Diaries. Don't worry, they can be found easily, for now...
Now you reach the Entrance Hall from the Rainy Hall! Now you must reach the New Archives from the Old Archives. But don't worry, you don't need to pass through the Old Archives to return to the Entrance Hall.
An know ISSUE/GLITCH! Read please!
When returning to the Entrance Hall from either the Old Archives or the New Archives, both the Entrance Hall AND the Laboratory resets. The same items and events are reseted completely. I don't know if it is just to me. If that happens to you please, report it to me.
Also i want to say an interesting fact about this project: It is being made by ONLY ONE PERSON! Yes, and that is me. I searched for the entities and models, i made the maps, i edited some files, i did EVERYTHING. Also, this project will NOT bring back all of the Alpha of the game. This is for an ENTIRE Team.
And thats it! Keep aware for more updates and an possible release date!
EDIT 1: Added more information
EDIT 2: Fixed an small mispell. I said SECRED instead of SECRET XD