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Alexander or Daniel?
Mafer Offline

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Alexander or Daniel?

Was wondering who do you like more.
Who do you prefer, Alexander or Daniel? Why?

Also,Do you think Alexander is the 'bad guy' ?
I mean not like evil and good exists, in my opinion. But you get the idea.
Me and my brother had discussions 'bout that lately, in which he says Daniel is evil and Alexander it's not. (Not sure if he says to discus on prupose with me,as a joke *Rolleyes* ) I mean, Daniel did bad stuff too, but yeah, you get the idea...

I personaly think Alex is an interesting character and all that stuff.
( I always like more the antagonists to be honest.) But in that case I think Daniel is my favorite from the two.I identify more with Daniel.And I felt sorry for him.

Enough blah blah blah...
I would like to know your opinion.

I get carried away, please, warm the blood inside my veins.

09-23-2010, 12:11 AM
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Sexbad Offline
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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

Team Daniel. He's soooooo cute X3.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
09-23-2010, 01:25 AM
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Mafer Offline

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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

(09-23-2010, 01:25 AM)Lee Wrote: Team Daniel. He's soooooo cute X3.

LOL *whistles*

+1 point for Daniel. [Image: danielpoint.png]

I get carried away, please, warm the blood inside my veins.

09-23-2010, 01:53 AM
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mansarde Offline
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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

I'm with Alexander.

He knew exactly what he did and that it was bad, but for him it was the only thing he could do to achieve his goal of returning home to his love. He waited centuries for this and was once betrayed by Agrippa and Weyer, who took away a chance for him to go back home.
This still doesn't excuse the atrocities he committed against all the countless torture victims.
But at least he did not try to blame circumstances or other people for what he did.
In the beginning he first tried to "just" use animals, but found out that they weren't enough for his purposes and that humans were perfect.
So it's not that he tortures humans because he likes it, but out of necessity, knowing full well how bad it is and that he can never redeem himself.

Daniel on the other hand does baically the same thing to save his own life. But he doesn't take responsibility for his actions and rather starts to blame Alexander.
Sure, Alexander may have lied to Daniel, but then again Daniel WANTED badly to believe the lies, so he could feel good about torturing and killing innocents in order to save his own skin.
And after the truth was inevitable to ignore, he vented all his anger against Alexander, because he couldn't take responsibility for his own actions.
He didn't want to know the truth so he could conveniently cushion himself with rightousness.

So, for me, even if both are ethically and morally wrong in their actions, Alexander is the more favorable in my eyes.
And apart from his atrocities, he is a very interesting person. He seems to be from another world, was banished from it to ours, and in the process, lost his love.

The following thoughts of Alexander pretty much explain why I prefer him over Daniel:
Spoiler below!
One day I will return. If it wasn't for the thought of you, my love, I wouldn't be able to go on. When I find myself doing terrible things, I take comfort in you.
As long as I am able to think of you and long for a life together, I know I'm better than the others. I weep for them, they lust for power without restraint, where I only crave fair judgment and a safe return.

When will it be my turn? Have I not shown restraint? My patience spans centuries. From where I came, mankind is not even wasted a breath, yet I bow to you.
I have done so much for you and I have gained nothing in return. Agrippa, I trusted you. It was I who in all fairness should have entered that gate.

I fear for Daniel, for he is reckless. He is tainted by the approaching shadow and will not be able to pass the gate. Will he be able to accept this in the end?
My love, I've seen evil in him. How am I to trust him with the truth? What cruel irony that I have to do unto him what Agrippa did unto me.

In court, the order of the Black Eagle spew their politics at each other while I sit quietly in place, willfully forgotten. Once in a while someone will notice me and lose themselves in a silent cower before regaining their senses.
They all know I am the one and the same Alexander who helped their fathers and grandfathers to found this great Order. I've seen them take their fathers' places, and they too will grow old and pass away. While I remain the same, aged not by time, but by anguish.

Is it you, my love, I miss the most, or is it perhaps myself? I know what I have become, I am not blind. I am a monster to them, a demonic sultan perched on a dark mountain top. There is little I can do to redeem myself.
The Black Eagle fears me and after Napoleon's defeat it is only a matter of time before they will demand my head on a platter. I must remove myself from this land. This time it must work. If I can't return home now, I shall perish.

And another, but rather unfair reson:
He has a more interesting, mysterious voice than Daniel. Tongue

Hey Mafer, why don't you change your first post so as to include a poll?
Or did you intentionally leave out a poll, because then it would be too easy not to give any reason for the choice (aside from people then being able to pick a choice multiple times)?
09-23-2010, 06:21 AM
Jinix Offline

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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

Alexander by far - he's a leader not a follower - and he has a purpose in life.
His adventures and how he got where he did a make a book on it's own.
Not to mention his Vincent Price accent, which helps endear him to me.
In the end
Spoiler below!
I let him go to heaven to be his love. Daniel was a follower and scared of the dark - what a wimp.

Jinix ~~~ZiXiZ~~~ OAP
09-23-2010, 06:57 AM
Crappynight Offline
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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

I like Alexander for his strong voice. But, I'm with Daniel.

Spoiler below!

I don't think this is the matter of good and evil. They are not heroes, neither bad guys. They simply try to save their lives. Daniel was chased by a strange being, but Alexander was old and weak and wanted to live on in the different world.

Daniel was mislead by baron and wanted revenge. He was corrupted but like he said in the end, he was redeemed. The curse of the Orb was lifted.

The only thing I don't understand is why he drank amnesia potion? To forget his true nature as a cold-blooded killer? I think, most of us would do the same to save our lives. Daniel represents us, humans. Our nature.

09-23-2010, 10:33 AM
Sketch Offline
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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

Alexander is certainly an interesting character. Personally, I'd love to read more...a graphic novel or even a book would be superb, either focussing on backgrounds and history, or even on the story in Amnesia itself.
09-23-2010, 02:24 PM
Mafer Offline

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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

(09-23-2010, 06:21 AM)mansarde Wrote: EDIT:
Hey Mafer, why don't you change your first post so as to include a poll?
Or did you intentionally leave out a poll, because then it would be too easy not to give any reason for the choice (aside from people then being able to pick a choice multiple times)?
About the poll thing, yeah I did not made a poll,cause I wanted opinions.

Ohhh very interesting replys, thanks everyone for the opinions.
Alexanders voice is so great! I could listen to it all day.
(I hated Daniel's voice at first.The accent! ... But I ended liking it.)

Alexander 3 points[Image: alexpoint.png] Daniel 3 points [Image: danielpoint.png]

I get carried away, please, warm the blood inside my veins.

09-23-2010, 06:26 PM
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Bek Offline
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RE: Alexander or Daniel?

I'm gunna have to go with Daniel, as he was tricked into doing SOME of the things he did - a lesser evil compared to what alexander did. Although in his defence he did try harvesting from animals first I believe. Cool drawings btw.
09-24-2010, 05:43 AM

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