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A larger project
LSunday Offline
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A larger project

Having looked through a lot of the games here, I've realized that there is a lot of talent in map-making among the people here- However, a lot of the maps are smaller.

Obviously, this will change as time goes by, but I propose making a group story, with more than one person contributing maps/story/models, etc.

Now, I'll start off by saying this proposal isn't entirely altruistic- I write a lot, and have wanted to try my hand at video game scripts, but I am god awful at map design/scripting. Working with even one person to create a Custom Story would be lovely.

If anyone is interested, please post below.
02-13-2011, 02:31 AM
Sel Offline
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RE: A larger project

Projects formed like this have a tendency to fail. The most successful teams in all the games I've modded for were composed of people who were hand picked based on their skills and work ethics.

As for amnesia, the community is very new to each other, and no one really has been able to judge everyone else's abilities yet, so obviously that option is more or less impossible for most of the people here.

As for why there's no major projects out yet, this should be more or less expected, since the game is only a few months old, there's almost no way anyone could create a great and lengthy custom story.
02-13-2011, 02:43 AM
LSunday Offline
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RE: A larger project

That may be so- But I feel it's better to try that to fail based on past examples. Besides, there are a lot of really good community-made mods out there as well (for other games, obviously, but it proves it can be done).
02-13-2011, 03:09 AM
Sel Offline
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RE: A larger project

(02-13-2011, 03:09 AM)LSunday Wrote: Besides, there are a lot of really good community-made mods out there as well (for other games, obviously, but it proves it can be done).

Which were almost exclusively developed by teams of specifically selected people or a single person...?
02-13-2011, 03:34 AM
LSunday Offline
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RE: A larger project

Organized by one person who did work on his own, with help from several others, in one primary example. (Portal Prelude)

I mean, he organized a team. This is just an informal introduction to see if people are interested- if so, we/I can figure out where to go from there. Testing the waters, so to speak.
02-13-2011, 03:56 AM
Selyp Offline

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RE: A larger project

I am working on a longer length custom story right now. I am pretty decent at level design and I feel I am a great writer and have a nice story planned. The part I am weak at is scripting. So if you want to collaborate, even just share ideas and stuff I'm up for it.
02-13-2011, 08:29 AM
LSunday Offline
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RE: A larger project

Hi! Unfortunately, I'm pretty lousy at scripting myself, so I don't know if I'll be much help there.

(I just looked back at my O.P., and realized how misleading I was. By scripts, I meant plays/screenplays/dialogue. Oops. Edit time..)

However, bouncing ideas off each other for different puzzles, game pacing, etc. sounds worthwhile as well- Also, projects like this tend to go faster if people split up and say "Okay, you do the cellar map and I'll do the Library" and then trade off to make any small changes for continuity.
02-13-2011, 05:35 PM
Selyp Offline

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RE: A larger project

I would definitely like someone to bounce ideas off of. If you would like to test out what I have so far and offer some ideas, or if you need someone to test out something you made let me know. Or if you have another story idea, we can work on something like that too.
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2011, 02:47 AM by Selyp.)
02-14-2011, 12:26 AM
LSunday Offline
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RE: A larger project

Just so you know, the link isn't working.

But used your name to find it, and I have to say it looks really good. (I didn't see anything along the lines of a demo, so idk if that was because i looked in the wrong place, or because you don't have one yet...)

Also, I'm almost done piecing together the first hub map. Then I can start decorating it and getting the lighting right... I'm not good at the computer scripting, as i said, but I think i've got someone who might be willing to do it. I think I'm going to start with the hubs, because I don't think there'll be as many scripting-essential events in them.

Part of the idea of this project would be to get 3-4 level designers and a few scripters, and we could all take a few maps and then later figure out how to make sure they all match.

After all, Amnesia itself was made with what, seven people? I think we can pull enough people together to make a decent Story.
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2011, 02:23 AM by LSunday.)
02-14-2011, 02:18 AM
Selyp Offline

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RE: A larger project

Don't have a demo yet. I probably have enough content for one, but I want to make sure its polished enough before I release anything. If you need an extra level designer I'd be willing to help with a map or two. That and story writing are what I enjoy most.
02-14-2011, 02:48 AM

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