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Nero: Days of Darkness [Just a concept]
HIM Offline
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Nero: Days of Darkness [Just a concept]

So we did a school project and i picked to do a game concept and i did it as a Amnesia mod.

I alert you now that this will be a wall of text, and if anyone wishes to maybe do something with it just contact me Smile

And please try to not to hate on Dodgy



Nero Days of darkness

The story is set in Africa in a slave castle in cape coast. The player plays a character named Nero who is an escaped prisoner from a nearby prison facility. On his run from the law he takes refuge in a castle close to the coast.

The game starts out in a court yard to the castle. The player won’t be able to turn back out to the world because the castle gates will lock behind the player and can only be opened from the outside

Castle outside (1. Courtyard)

Looking up at the castle it seems to be abandoned. The environment around the player is dark with the only lights from the sunset over the great castle. As he walks around the courtyard he sees trees and plants that haven’t been taken care of for many years. The wildlife has taken over the great castle walls. The only way is to move forward into the castle.

Main hall and sleeping Quarters (2. Main and sleep)

This is the first area inside the castle the player is presented too. The first room that the player walks into is a hallway with broken ceiling and broken drawers around the room. A big stained rug is in the middle of the room with very few objects.
As the player enters the room he can hear the door slam and lock behind him. The player will also find a lantern, some tinderboxes and some lantern oil to light candles in the hallways.
Proceeding into the main hall from the hallway the player is presented with four ways to go.

One way is a stair to the right that leads up with a sign that says "Library". Another way is a stair next to it (Check Stairs Main Hall design) leading up to the chemistry labs and morgue.
There is also a passageway leading downwards with a sign over it saying Grand hall. All these ways are blocked off for now.
There is also a hallway leading to the left towards the crew living quarters. When the player enters this hallway, small streams of light are granted from the bolted up windows. A ranged variety of candles and torches on the walls will also be able lit up for the player to ease the sanity that will increase while the player is confronted with darkness and various events.

The hallway contains five entrances to five different rooms, with the ending of the hallway blocked off by a fallen stone. On his left he will have four random rooms filled with just debris, not important for the game. The rooms will contain equipment such as tinderboxes and oil for the lantern to get the player a decent chance to maintain sanity. The room on the right is a room where the player will find a bed. When the player walks into the room he will be struck by a feeling of lost power and tiredness and fall to his knees. Then he will be dragged towards the bed where he falls asleep.

Dream stadium one

During his sleep the player will be presented with various dreams. Scary dreams about running through long hallways filled with red goo. This should create a feeling for the player that something is out of hand and that there is something more to the castle and the red goo.

Day 2

The player wakes up with a low sanity level from after the dream as he finds the candles in the room lit. This will help the player regain sanity fast and understand that it was just a dream.
Looking around in the room it will be more restored then it seemed when the player dragged himself to the bed. Also he will be dragged towards some letters found on a table in the room.
Exiting the room the player will notice that the hallway has several lit candles and chandeliers in the ceiling. Walking back to the main hall he will see that one of the stairs has been restored and that some of the main hall area has also been restored.
This will make the only obvious path for the player a path into the chemlabs.

Chemlabs / Morgue (3. chemlabs)

By entering the chemlabs the player is first greeted by a random room with a doorway to the right and a stair down to the left. A note can be found in the first room.
The room to the left is a long room lit by the morning sun going up and unbolted windows. The room is long and narrow and has nothing of special interest in it but some fireplaces, bookshelf’s and chairs with tables looking much like a studying room.

Going down the steps down to the more inhumane area of the level the player will at first encounter a room with 3 other paths. The room looks like a broke down hospital environment with corpses on the floor. The first door on his left will lead him into an office area with some interesting diary notes. The room right in front of him when he enters the hospital room is a storage area with shelfs that have fallen over and some chemistry equipment.

The third path takes him down to a morgue with stairs leading downwards to his left. This area seems to be damp and there are some skeleton parts on the floor. Also there is a lot of water on the floor that seems to come from the path leading down.
If the player takes this way down he will walk in a dark corridor where he will have to use his lantern to find this way. He will have to walk in chest high water in a long hallway with five paths to take.
The corridor ends with a dead end that four of the path's that the player can take does. The fifth path leads into a chemistry lab where the player will find the antidote for the mutation which the red goo spreads (Also highlighted in the notes by S.M.offe).

On his way back through the water filled hallway there will be a Brute patrolling the area. The player will have to move into the dead ends to avoid the brute. He will be able to stroll the area finding notes which unravel the story of S.M.offe but unable to access new parts of the building.
When the player returns to the room he will be struck once again by extreme exhaustion.
Falling down on the floor the player witness when Nero drags himself towards the bed and it fades to black.

Dream stadium two

In the dream the player will be presented with a black screen with pictures being shown (Check note). With just a voiceover of a man talking the voice says

“I do not know why we do this, why we drag these people from their homes to ship them overseas to work until they die. I told them that we shouldn’t engage the people that are into the black magic. This will just bring us misfortune, but the captain won’t listen to me. I think we are cursed now. Some kind of red goo is spreading rapidly through the castle. The men are starting to show symptoms of madness and amnesia. The slaves are also acting more hostile than before. It feels like they know that we have a problem with the guards.”

During this scene the player will be presented with pictures of a man writing a note, people being dragged from their huts, a shaman, red goo, a fight between two guards, and enraged Africans slaves attacking a guard. (All these should be presented as snapshots and not as an animation.)

Day 3

The player wakes up shocked by his dreams. He is still starting to map together what has happened in the castle. When he exits the living quarter he will once again realize that a lot has changed outside by the entrance.
The rubble in front of the passage to the grand hall is gone and the stairway leading up to the Library is rebuilt.
If the player tries to go down the main hall the door will be locked and he will get a notification in his journal that the key can be found in the library.


Entering the library the player will be presented with a long wide hallway. On his left he will have an archive with a key hanging on the wall. This is the key to the main library.
He will also have a room on his right that is an abandoned storage area with nothing of particular interest. If he keep walking down the hallway he will take left and find a long narrow hallway with a map room on his left. In here he will find a letter from S.M.offe.
During his walk through the hallway there will be books flying around and he will hear the sound of footsteps running down the hallway towards the player. When they get closer the player will be pushed into the wall as someone ran by the player and ran into him. This will affect the player’s sanity a lot. As the player keeps walking down the hallway he will have two rooms on his right at the end of the hallway.

The first room is just a room filled with broken shelf’s that will rebuild themselves into bookshelf’s as the player enters the room. In the other room there will just be large stacks of books thrown around and there will also be a random storage area.
Going left at the end of the hallway there will be another narrow hallway leading down with a bigger storage room on the left.
The player will find some supplies here such as lamp oil and tinderboxes.

Taking left again the player will be presented with a long wide hallway once again with three offices on the left, all restored with lighted candles all containing note from S.M.offe.

At the end of the hallway there is a big door that the player will unlock with the key found in the archive room. This is a large room filled with bookshelves with almost the same height as the ceiling filled with books creating a maze in the room. Walking around this maze is a brute. There are candles to be lit at the end of each row with bookshelves. There will be a key hidden within the shelves for the door leading to the grand hall. The player will have to dodge the brute and find the key. He will also find more notes and other equipment.

Getting the key and out through the door will anger the brute that will chase the player down the hallways. The painting from the walls will crumble to dust and screaming will be heard.

After exiting the library the player will be able to access the main hall. Going back to the main lobby the player will now have the key to open the doors leading into the Main hall, prison and the captain’s office area.

Main Hall, Prison, Offices

By entering the Main hall the player will be presented with a big room filled with stone arches.
The room has three corridors leading away in different directions with one going east to the captain’s office. To be able to go through this door the player will need to acquire a key that he will find in the prison block that is through the north corridor leading from the main hall.
The east hallway is just a storage room where the player will find large amounts of oil and tinderboxes to prepare him for the journey through the prison level.

Walking through the north corridor leading to the prison block the player will first be presented with a cozy corridor with red walls and red fitted carpet. The candles on the wall are lit so the player will gain sanity walking through this corridor. He will also see two rooms on his left.
Walking into the first room it will be what looks like a uniform storage room filled with old uniforms and red scraps of cloth hanging from the ceiling. Walking into the room the player’s sanity will drop and the player won’t be able to keep Nero straight.

A wind blows through the room blowing all the red cloth up in the air, blowing out the candles, and makes the room pitch black.
If the player lights the lantern he will now notice that all the cloth and uniforms are scattered all around the area. Exiting the room and going out to the corridor again all the candles here will be out and the walls will be filled with the red goo.
The second room will be a big empty room with a massive pile of red goo in the ceiling dripping down on the floor creating a blob of red goo.

At the end of the hallway there is a big black door that the player almost has to push up to get through. Walking into the room he will find himself walking on a narrow pathway leading through a big room surrounded by an endless chasm on both sides.
The player will have limited vision ahead but after walking the ledge the player will have to turn right and will find another big black door that leads into the prison block.

Walking into the prison block the player will be presented with a corridor with two doors at the end, one door on the left side and one at the end.
The door on his left will lead into a guard room, not filled with anything in particular just some furniture that indicates the room was used as a room where the prison guards seem to have dined and slept.

The other door will lead into the Prison blocks. This is a big room containing six prison cells, three on each side. The room is filled with chains hanging from the ceiling and has a door way on the other side of the room. The cells are all locked and the player won’t be able to get the doors opened in anyway. The only door that the player can open is the one leading into the office at the end of the room. This room will contain a key that will allow the player to open the door leading to the captain’s office at the beginning of this level.

As he takes the key the player will hear screaming outside the room also footsteps from the cell area. When the player exits the office the chains from the ceiling will be dangling and as the player walks down the room a growling sound will be heard as a brute presses up against the cell bars in one of the cell’s. This will draw the player’s sanity.

Back in the main hall the player will have the key to unlock the door leading into the offices which is the last level of the game.
Immediately when the player opens the door to the office he will hear a scream echo through the hall way. Walking down the long hall way the walls almost seam to become smaller and smaller for each step he takes. Until the player almost have to squeeze through between the walls to get to the door.
Behind the door there is a large room filled with turned over bookshelves, giving the player a hard time to walk deeper into the room, making him take the door on his left. This door leads into a large room that seems to be a luxury bedroom.
It will seem to be a dead end but the player will be able to find a leaver behind one of the books. This will make a bookcase in the far end of the room fall over and reveal a new room filled with chemistry equipment and stretch benches and an iron lady in the end of the room. The player will find a doorway next to the iron lady leading into a room containing a pedestal with a journal laying on it. As the player reads the journal a voice over will begin.

My name is Charles Capton. I am the captain of the castle. I am writing this letter as I can hear the dying screams of my men in echoing through the castle. We ventured to this continent to find treasures and slaves but we found something else… we triggered something… a darkness beyond our wildest fantasy if you are reading this I am surprised how you got this far. I tell you that there is no way out. If you have the willpower that I wish that I had to take your own life before the darkness, I encourage you to do this now. Do it before the darkness consumes you the way it has consumed the men and women located in these halls.
Or you can do what I am going to do, crawl up under a bed and hide like a coward and try to wait it out….

The screen goes black. And the game ends.

Added a .docx with the text if you'd like to read it in word or something (Prob better for your eyes!)
These are some of the letters i wrote that the player will find through the game, they will tell a side story of two other characters that went to the a long time ago and suffered missfortune.


1892 July 7

We just arrived at we Cape coast castle me and Peter, we are hoping to find treasures left behind by the slavers, we talked to the locals that told us to stay away from this place they talked about Dustier. That seems to be the African comparison to dark or darkness.
I talked to Peter about this but he told me to not fear.

1892 July 7

No sign of any treasures yet, the only thing that seems to have any value is old alchemy equipment that we found in what seems to be an old chemistry room. We are going to find a place to sleep and begin to search early in the morning tomorrow.


1892 July 8

I did not have a good night’s sleep, i had a dream about, god i don’t even know what it was. I lost all power over my body and everything was mashed with darkness and this red goo of some kind, when i woke up Peter was sitting on his bed, when i tried to talk to him he just ignored me for a few seconds until he looked up and nodded my way.

1892 July 8

Something strange seem to have happened, we must have been real tired yesterday, the castle looks nothing like it did when we got here, the painting on the walls didn’t hang there yesterday, also some parts of the castle seem to have been restored, i must have been real tired yesterday.

1892 July 8

We just spent the whole morning trying to find treasures, though we haven’t found anything yet except just old lamp oil and some tinderboxes and more chemistry equipment, also we found some red goo, similar to the one in my dream, i must have seen it before i went to sleep. This must be some kind of fungus peter got some on his hand, his hand must have gotten some spores on it or something, it seem to have colored of on him.

1892 July 8

I lost Peter, i went into a room in a hallway and he went into another room, when i went out into the corridor again i couldn’t hear any noise from the room and when i checked he was gone. I got a strange feeling about this castle, I’ll walk back to the room we are sleeping in and see if i can find him.

1892 July 8

Peter is nowhere to be found, i found a trail of candles lit in a room so i think he was here waiting for me, I’ll look around for him for a few more hours before i walk back to our sleeping quarters again.

1892 July 8

I found peter again, thank god! I found him walking around in a corridor , i noticed something was wrong with him the red spores on his hand have now spread up to his arm, I’ve tried to talk to him but he seem to have a fever, i just got him into bed. I'll try to get some sleep myself and we'll see what happens tomorrow, maybe we'll have to go back to the Cape Town again.

1892 July 8
Peter woke up in the middle of the night screaming something about the darkness, and then he just fell back to sleep. I have a hard time falling asleep again, I’ll just sit here tonight watching him.

1892 July 8
I went out to get peter some water and when i came back he was gone, all i found was the same red goo in his bed, that was on his arm, I’m not a doctor but i think it spread over the night and he probably walked away because of his fever that made him delusional.

1892 July 8
I've looked for him for hours, and i really need to get some sleep, I’ll light the candles outside the room so he can find it in the corridors, i don’t think I’ll be able to sleep but i need to get some sleep if I’m going to be able to take care of him and look for treasures tomorrow.

1892 July 9
Tonight the dreams where even worse than yesterday, when i woke up peter was not in the room, no time for this treasure hunt anymore, i feel unease and is not so sure about this place anymore, I’ll have to go out and look for peter now.

1892 July 9
This is Extraordinary the castle seems to be rebuilding itself, the farther i walk the corridor the bigger this place seems, no signs of Peter yet, i left him a note on the table in the room and some water by his bed.

1892 July 9
I think i just seen somebody in the corridors it looked like peter but he walked with a limb, he walked into one of the rooms and when i went in , it was just a library, i must be going crazy.

1892 July 9
There are two explanations on what is going on here, i must be going crazy or this place is haunted, I’ve been looking into some papers i found in the library and what i understand this castle was put out of use before America signed the constitution to remove slavery, when i dug through the papers i found papers regarding the red goo, and reports of slavers killing each other! I need to find the Captains room and see if i can find more clues there, also i need to find Peter.

1892 July 9

Something is after me, i can feel it i must be going mad, I’ve heard steps in the corridor first i was sure that it was peter, but when i started walking towards it , i could hear laughter and more steps rushing towards me, i started to run through the corridors, and i have seem to find the captains quarters, i looked the door and will go through the papers so i can get to the bottom of this.

1892 July 9
I've found reports on the castle, it seem to be built on an old church for the Gauna one of the African death god's , that possessed people and rules over Disruption, harassment, and death.
I now understand what the people in the village were talking about. I must get out of here now.

1892 July 9

I tried to get out of here, but i can’t find the exit and when i look out through the windows all i can see is fog, also the castle is located on a cliff so if i jump out I’ll land in the sea and die. I'll just need to find the exit again.

1892 July 9

I found peter, he was talking in tongues and attacked me i replied him and ran, i don’t know what to do, i searched for the exit but these hallways never ends, I’m running out of oil in the lantern and i don’t care about the treasure anymore all i want to do is get out of here.

1892 July 9

I ran into peter again and he tried to attack me again, i got away again this time he stabbed me with a knife , my life is hanging on a string, if i don’t find a way out i will die.

1892 July 9

I feel that i will die soon, i took cover in the library again i can hear Peter in the hallways screaming and talking in tongues, i don’t think i will make it, if someone finds this note GET OUT OF HERE! My time will end soon i hear the laughter in the corridors mixed up with Peter's screaming, I’ve left the rest of my tinderboxes on the floor if you find this, ill hope they will help you to repel the darkness, they didn’t help me...
Here are some of the map ideas, several of the ideas i made are on paper, and i haven't found a working scanner yetBig Grin

[Image: libraryv.png]

[Image: mainhallprisonoffices.png]

[Image: mourge.png]

Blue dots are ideas for where objects can be put.

Redish text are events that will happen.

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(This post was last modified: 03-30-2011, 11:06 AM by HIM.)
03-30-2011, 10:56 AM
Doctorcheese Offline
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RE: Nero: Days of Darkness [Just a concept]

He writes 21 diary pages in 3 days time? Tongue Also sounds good. Maybe skip the red goo and make it something else though, unless you want it to be Amnesia-like.

''Sick, twisted child... You'll burn for this!''
03-30-2011, 07:29 PM
HIM Offline
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RE: Nero: Days of Darkness [Just a concept]

Well he kinda uses the diary to keep Sane, and the red goo well i use that because this was first written to become a amnesia mod and it was in the editor : o
03-30-2011, 11:45 PM

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