Hi there! I'm currently playing the first chapter of your story Abduction. I'm having a good time with it... Well, good as in I'm pretty freaked out with it. Lol. ^^" It's scary as all get out, but in this case that's a good thing! You've got skills.
I'm recording myself playing it in an LP on Youtube, if you or anyone else would like to watch it, I'd appreciate it. (And you might get a kick out of how I totally fail at it.) ^^ Here's the link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1DJOVVUuXE So far I've got 3 parts done, but I'm not quite finished yet!
I'm excited to finish this one, and I've heard you have parts 2 and 3..? I'd love to play those as well. ^^ Well, thanks for reading! I hope you like it.