Well, I still really dislike that I have caused such inconvenience to people by trying to use justine objects. Chapter 3 will not use anything from justine (except maybe statues, but they are just aesthetic anyway) so that the gameplay will not be affected.
Well, you shouldn't worry too much about not using Justine elements, as I am sure FG will release Justine in due time. Unless Chapter 3 is really close to completion.
Chapter 3 isn't really close, but since I have gotten much better at scripting and level design, it should be out around the end of the month, assuming I can solve the very frustrating scripting issue I am having right now. It's the most frustrating roadblock I have hit yet.
Oh, and the update is 85% uploaded.
(05-10-2011, 04:53 PM)Anxt Wrote: Update is complete, Non-Justine story should work now.
Till now (the Artum after the whole lab/mine-quest) everything worked fine! But I'm terribly stuck on the "Let their fate guide you"-riddle.
Spoiler below!
Of course I read the note about the siblings and I guess I have to make use of the numbers that appear in it but I can't make sense of it.
Spoiler below!
There are 4 pressure plates, and 4 numbers (5 brothers, 7th province, 3 Gods Festival, 9 days). There is also a set of capitalized letters on the second page which form a scrambled word. Unscramble it to find the true code. The first letter of the unscrambled word is B.
(05-10-2011, 06:33 PM)Anxt Wrote: Let me know if you need a more specific hint.
Thanks, got it!
Spoiler below!
I didn't even think about solving the letters because I thought they were used somewhere else as this riddle seemed to have something to do with numbers only. Also, I was too serious about the numbers in the note: I thought the "one" would be a number, too, also I thought there was a second "5", because the "five" siblings were mentioned twice.