Grr... still can't find out whats wrong with it.
<Sound File="RabbitWhimpering.ogg" />
<PROPERTIES Volume="1" MinDistance="1" MaxDistance="100" Random="1" Interval="0" FadeEnd="True" FadeStart="False" Stream="False" Loop="False" Use3D="True" Blockable="True" BlockVolumeMul="0.7" Priority="0" />
I have it in my
7 Deadly Sins >
sounds folder. I have a RabbitWhimpering.ogg that I know that works (audacity tested it, and exported it from), and a RabbitWhimpering.snt with the file text above.
I know my code is working, but it simply won't play it! I can find the sound file in the Level Editor and place it down, but it won't play the sound...
What else am I missing?