------------------------- Now it's time to bring forth the hammer ---------------------------
There are a number of flickering textures/walls. These are the ones I found:
1. After being carried across the floor - the room you wake up in has some flickering decals on the floor. The scene in itself is a nice one. Kind of unique from what I have seen so far. Another thing I thought of - lower the startscreenshake, it's a little too much.
2. The floor with the bodies in the hole. Close to the entrance the floors overlap.
3. The wood beams in the room past the laboratory/"tools-room" flicker.
4. Part of the wall in the room where you use the key from the laboratory.
5. Something is flickering on the wall in the room where you use the key found on the rock.
6. There is also some flickering decals on the floor previous to the laboratory.
I think that almost every note has a grammatical error. It disturbs the story a little, but I can accept it since English isn't your native language (neither mine). I also noticed that the texts always differ from what the speaker is saying.
Story-wise it's meh/okay. You have something going on about a man being in a bad situation concerning money, which is pretty okay to add upon (I would like to see that you expanded it in that way). Then you mix it with the amnesia story - drinking an amnesia bottle, alexander, the castle lirburg (something?) etc. My opinion is that you shouldn't use what frictional has already done (they did a pretty good job on it, why compete with their story?).
Concerning gameplay I found some things which seemed wrong/weird. I found the glass-jar first. I couldn't gather water in that one though (I tried). So I had to find the bucket, gather water in that one - then combine the bucket and the jar to pour the water over. I suggest you allow the player to add the water directly to the jar. When I went back to fill up the bucket it didn't allow me to do that either. I suggest you check when the player is allowed to fill the bucket again, since that made me confused on how to solve the puzzle. Perhaps it could be so that I did something wrong (clicked the bucket in the wrong place etc.). As for the note which gives you instructions - make it clearer. Right now it says what to gather but it's very confusing what to do with it. The monster which randomly spawn is very fast, but that's okay. The only disturbing thing is that he can see past the whole room - even while I'm standing in the dark. Probably some sort of cross-breed with a hawk.
Scariness: I wasn't scared once, except for the time when you light the lantern and it all explodes. I play amnesia with quite high volume and after that sound I think my ears started bleeding
When I picked up that key after by breaking the glass I knew a monster would come. After playing some maps it's almost instinct. I suggest more randomness to monster-spawning. Secondly - have more "build-up" scares. You used some jump scares, but it didn't really frighten me.