Hey guys, I am endeavoring to try and create a list of scripters - basically a list that new people can use to see who they can ask questions to, or who I can look to to send my stories to to see if they want to come up with a way to make the map, or whatever other people want to use the list for.
Also making a mapper list, much like the previous list.
How this will work:
You reply to this forum saying that you are a scripter ("I am a scripter" or "I am a mapper") and any links that you want me to put beside your name in the list (e.g. WIP's or ModDB links). If you are willing to help people out that have questions mention that as well and I will put some sort of indicator by your name
The Scripters
Slyp - Happy to Help! - moddb.com/mods/atlantia
Obliviator27 - Happy to Help! -
Gamemakingdude - Nothing to show
The Mappers
Slyp - Happy to Help! - moddb.com/mods/atlantia
Juby - Happy to Help! -
Obliviator27 - Happy to Help! -
Gamemakingdude - All abandoned works