Okay. Here is the steps for creating a localized sound in amnesia:
1. Record your sound
2. When rendering it; Make sure you render it in
mono and not stereo (ogg. file of course). If it's a stereo sound it cannot be played at a specific point.
3. place the .ogg file in custom_stories/yourstory/sounds
4. create an .snt file for that sound (an .snt is a text-file which points to your soundfile)
here's an example:
Notice that when pointing to the sound:
<Sound File="Alexandria_Hush" />
No extension should be included.
In order (as I have understood it):
1. The volume
2. The distance at which the volume starts fading
3. The distance at which your hear nothing
Place the .snt file in your sound folder. Then play it using:
PlaySoundAtEntity(string& asSoundName, string& asSoundFile, string& asEntity, float afFadeTime, bool abSaveSound);
If you want subtitles use:
AddEffectVoice(string& asVoiceFile, string& asEffectFile, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry,
bool abUsePosition, string& asPosEntity, float afMinDistance, float afMaxDistance);