Hello there.
So basically I started to work with my custom story and I love it. I thought of may releasing it someday, but I want it to be as perfect as I can make it! Or else I wont be satisfied! Well since I'm a newbie, and I have only played the real game Amnesia - The Dark Descent. I have some small issues I need help with.
I have this issue with my hps. file. I will copy it so that you guys can look at it:
// Run when entering map
void OnEnter()
// Run when leaving map
void OnLeave()
As you guys may see I haven't included anything yet. Since nothing works! Everything works in my eng.lang file but not in the hps file! It keep crashing. These are the most common issues that I recently had to deal with and gave up on:
- Mementos (Giving the player a memento when pulling a locked door, telling the player to find the key to the locked door).
- Music (Putting music to the game, when entering a specific area/room and so on).
- Sound effects, like a girl laughing when he is entering a room.
I would really appreciate if ANYONE would help me with this. I don't have any problem to understand when people explain, so just go for it.