Survival horror is a subgenre of action-adventure video games inspired by horror fiction. These games make the player vulnerable by providing them with less ammunition and fewer heavy weapons than other action games. Although combat can be a part of the gameplay, the player is in various ways made to feel less powerful than in typical action games, because of limited ammunition, health, speed, or other limitations. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas, and solve puzzles at certain locations. Games make use of strong horror themes, and the player is often challenged to navigate dark maze-like environments, and react to unexpected attacks from enemies.
It's like an RPG with a less exploring jk
if you look at it like this
every RPG can be a survival horror game
fallout 3, some monsters could scare the F*** out of you
minecraft, i jumped more in minecraft then in every other game
and ofc, the scariest imo, Condemned: Criminal origins
i hope that i helped you
Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts. – Robert Fulghum