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Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture

As you say while you go into the unknown dark mine shaft, the atmosphere was grandious!

Much more better than in Amnesia where you are in the castle from beginning.

Penumbra first starts normal, without any horror and then all things become changed.

Penumbra has a way much better atmosphere than Amnesia and even more complex puzzles.

So it wins the battle for me.

Maybe when you play Amnesia first, you are conditioned with the scariest horror and then Penumbra isn't a trumph. But at all the game is just the better experience and the atmosphere is more oppresive than in Amnesia.

Well, Amnesia also is oppressive, but when you played Penumbra first, you feel a lot of missed stuff in the game.

Only walk, open door, read note, walk, open door, read note, run away from monster and walk, open door again.
There is nothing to explore nothing to find out, less ideas and repair work (except a little).
It is only horror, but Penumbra was both - horror and puzzles, it was more an adventure and this is what I enjoyed.
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2011, 05:27 PM by Googolplex.)
12-13-2011, 05:23 PM

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RE: Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture - by Googolplex - 12-13-2011, 05:23 PM

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