(12-15-2011, 08:39 AM)palistov Wrote: I've never had issues with monster facing in-game. Perhaps deleting the map cache can help?
Anyways, you could go to the extreme and just select everything in the map (minus the monster of course), press B, and rotate the compound object by changing the y-rotation value to 180 degrees. Make a backup version of your map beforehand, in case some crazy stuff happens which you can't fix. I've had issues with compounds, so it'll be good to have an old version to roll back to.
I spoke with Jund (DamnNoHTML) and he says that you just can't change how an enemy is facing even with rotating and that he had that problem a lot when he was making his stories as well - I think generally when people spawn a monster they spawn him out of view or on a path or something.
I don't want the monster to move at all, just stand there. Whereas this works, it stands there and stairs at the wall.
I've tried the put a node there trick but I can see this being awkward because I want the monster to be in place by the time the player opens the door and I don't want there to be any animation going on.
If I put a collide area at or close to the door to spawn the enemy and then get into position it's possible the player could trigger that and not open the door and go to another instead, so I'm trying to avoid doing that.
Also moving the map is a nice idea, but I have another area where the enemy is doing something similar and that would mess that bit up (luckily where they are stuck facing is where I wanted them to face).
If it's too much trouble I think I'll just work around it and scrap the idea for now. Thanks for the help though guys. :]