Thought I'd share with you my short little playthrough of this story.
All in all I really enjoyed it but my response is that same as most short custom stories receive as being:
"Awww, man! Why isn't this longer? I WISH THIS WAS LONGER!"
I really enjoyed this story quite a bit, even if it was so short. I particularly enjoyed the little things that one couldn't do in a regular mod such as the typical "note" was replaced with a notebook and that curtains could be pulled apart. Looking back it was kind of interesting that there were no lanterns, tinderboxes, oils, or potions but that fit well for the short story. Maybe if the story was expanded it could still fit that those aren't included. I liked the story and the dates for the story were perfect.
Despite it not being all that scary of a mod the end really did get me. I wasn't sure how you would implement the 'slenderman' based bit of it but that was a really interesting way to go about it.
I don't know. I'm not particularly one to analyze a story and leave a review; just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this custom story! For some reason I really liked it and I hope to see more of this kind of story from you, if possible.