Thank you everyone who helped me with the dogs
I took a different tactic, and laid-low to the crates, walls, etc. I even got out beef jerky (different approach) just incase. I didn't need any more dynamite, the picAx, hammer or jerky. I kept out of sight and to the left. I didn't have to kill the dog again or again.
At the explosion location, I had all the ingredients, lit it-- and ran for cover-- KaBOOM! Now I am in the Newer Location.
I am not sure of what the "plot" is for this Newer Location, yet I am looking around and saving games at any Artifact I run across.
I think this game is going to take me a long time-lol
p.s. somehow my game saved in Difficult mode and it was dreadfull--
everything was pitch black-- but I quickly used ESC corrected that.