(01-10-2012, 10:57 PM)Xvideogamer720X Wrote: I don't know if it's just me but...
That third pic looks A LOT like Resident Evil 1's mansion. o.O that's amazing!
Anyway, on topic, this looks pretty good, downloading now! 
You nailed it! I loved the Resident Evil game series and wanted to pay homage to it's brilliance.
(01-11-2012, 02:22 AM)Kurton Wrote: Looking around - throughout the story it seems, to me, your mapping started off rather sketchy but matured slightly along the way. I didn't care much for the lighting, it all felt a little too unnaturally white.
Hey Kurton, as always constructive feedback is always desirable

. Indeed, you are right, the first couple maps were the very first experiences I had with the level editor, and I had a lot to learn about the way it worked. Lighting was also something I slowly learned throughout. These are all things that will be improved upon when I make the sequel.