Hi. I made a custom snow particle for my custom story. It all works well, until I try to add it to the map. As soon as I choose my .ps file and click the screen to add the Particle System, LevelEd crashes.
Here's the error that it gives me
Number of Processors: 8
Processor Type: Intel Pentium
Windows OS: Windows 2000
Version 6.0001
Build Number 7601
Service Pack 1
Current Memory Load: 38
Total Physical Memory: -1 bytes
Available Physical Memory: -1 bytes
Total Virtual Memory: 2147352576 bytes
Available Virtual Memory: 1902858240 bytes
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=0A7E2310 EDX=0018FAFC ESI=0A7702E8
EDI=0A770318 EBP=0018FFEC ESP=0018FFDC EIP=773B9EA5 FLG=00010202
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=0A7E2310 EDX=0018FAFC ESI=0A7702E8
EDI=0A770318 EBP=0018FFEC ESP=0018FFDC EIP=773B9EA5 FLG=00010202
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
0023:0053B4B2 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cParticleEmitter_UserData::UpdateMotion()+1682 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\particleemitter_userdata.cpp, line 1019+0064 byte(s)
0023:00537211 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::iParticleEmitter::UpdateLogic()+0193 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\particleemitter.cpp, line 0246
0023:004ED66D LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cParticleSystem::UpdateLogic()+0205 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\particlesystem.cpp, line 0304+0012 byte(s)
0023:004AD685 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cWorld::UpdateParticles()+0037 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\world.cpp, line 1272
0023:004AD995 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cWorld::Update()+0213 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\world.cpp, line 0213
0023:004A1A05 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cScene::PostUpdate()+0037 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\scene.cpp, line 0252+0013 byte(s)
0023:004C12C4 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::iUpdateable::RunMessage()+0084 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\include\engine\updateable.h, line 0074
0023:004C1576 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cUpdater::RunMessage()+0038 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\engine\updater.cpp, line 0067+0014 byte(s)
0023:00496628 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cEngine::Run()+0264 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\engine\engine.cpp, line 0418
0023:0048A96F LevelEditor.exe, hplMain()+0207 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\tools\editors\leveleditor\leveleditormain.cpp, line 0038
0023:004ABF3D LevelEditor.exe, WinMain()+0029 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\impl\lowlevelsystemsdl.cpp, line 0052+0029 byte(s)
0023:0058D4B9 LevelEditor.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+0389 byte(s), f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\crtexe.c, line 0390+0027 byte(s)
0023:76B9339A kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+0018 byte(s)
0023:773B9ED2 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+0099 byte(s)
0023:773B9EA5 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+0054 byte(s)
I've tried reducing the number of particles and other things to reduce the possible size of the .ps file, but nothing works. All amnesia default particles work fine.
Also, that error log is really weird because I have a i7 2600k, not a pentium, and no windows 2000.
Anyone have a clue on this?