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Whats scarier penumbra black plague or Overture
Carrna Offline

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RE: Whats scarier penumbra black plague or Overture

One more difficult decision. Although they have different enemies and they happen in different places, I've rather felt they're a one long story, not two separate games.

The mine in Overture made me feel really isolated and alone. There was just solid rock around you, trapping you there with all of those creatures and knowing that you would probably never go back to surface made it even worse. However, you could still hide from the most common enemies: the dogs. Spiders could see in dark and worms crashed through every obstacle to get you but they were quite rare. I didn't kill any of the dogs but it still felt quite silly that it's possible to escape them by jumping on a box or something. : D They should've been able to jump too or bite you even while you're standing on something. Though, if there wasn't anything to escape on they were terrifying since they were so fast. But still they're really gross with those glowy eyes and rotting flesh... eww.

Though, I guess Black Plague was a bit scarier for me because of it's environment and enemies. I hate hospitals, labs and such so frigging much. I even have a hard time to go to health checks. I'd just like to run away from there as far as I can although the people would be nice and everything's clean and sterilized. The horror is x 100 when that already so horrifying lab environment is messy, dark and there's scary and evil humanoids running after you with crowbars or axes. :'D Although they're slower than dogs they have those goddamn torches and you can't hide from them forever.

Because of looking so much like humans, the infected are more scary since you always have some level of trust towards others who look like you. I mean, when you see some animal - especially if it's big enough to rip your limb off - you're immediately on alert. But you don't have such a reaction towards other people although they're as big or bigger than you and they could probably do more damage than beasts. Also, the infected aren't just some mindless zombies or rabid dogs who want to eat you just because of some basic instinct. They can talk and they're intelligent. And still they won't listen. They look like us but we can't have a converstation with them. That's what makes me shudder the most. Even in real world I don't think there's anything scarier than people who are violent as hell and you can't get any kind of contact in them.

Btw, I've also noticed I had a bit more "safe" - if you can say that - feeling in Amnesia than in Penumbras. Maybe it's because the doors in Amnesia hold the enemies better off, haha. Aaand I love old castles etc. stuff like that. I was drooling a lot around because of the pretty environment. But the places in Penumbras - especially Black Plague - really creeped the hell out of me.

01-12-2012, 10:51 AM
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RE: Whats scarier penumbra black plague or Overture - by Carrna - 01-12-2012, 10:51 AM

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