void OnStart();
SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("LEVER1", "lever1func"); //levercallback
SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("LEVER2", "lever2func"); //levercallback
SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("LEVER3", "lever3func"); //levercallback
SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("LEVER4", "lever4func"); //levercallback
SetLocalVarInt("lever1bank", 0); //'dem banks!
SetLocalVarInt("lever2bank", 0); //'dem banks!
SetLocalVarInt("lever3bank", 0); //'dem banks!
SetLocalVarInt("lever4bank", 0); //'dem banks!
void lever1func(string &in asEntity, int alState)
if(alState == 1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER1", 1, true); //sets it stuck
SetLocalVarInt("lever1bank", 1); //add dat cash munay
CheckFunction(); //follows function at the bottom, which activates the completed puzzle
if(alState == -1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER1", -1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever1bank", 0);
void lever2func(string &in asEntity, int alState)
if(alState == 1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER2", 1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever2bank", 1);
if(alState == -1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER2", -1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever2bank", 0);
void lever3func(string &in asEntity, int alState) //follows a different "if" statement, making it opposite from the rest or... Down rather than Up.
if(alState == 1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER3", 1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever3bank", 0);
if(alState == -1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER3", -1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever3bank", 1);
void lever4func(string &in asEntity, int alState)
if(alState == 1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER4", 1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever4bank", 1);
if(alState == -1)
SetLeverStuckState("LEVER4", -1, true);
SetLocalVarInt("lever4bank", 0);
void CheckFunction() //custom function called each time a lever is correctly in place. when all are in place, the function continues.
if(GetLocalVarInt("lever1bank") == 1 && GetLocalVarInt("lever2bank") == 1 && GetLocalVarInt("lever3bank") == 1 && GetLocalVarInt("lever4bank") == 1)
SetSwingDoorLocked("LEVERDOOR", false, true);