(01-20-2012, 03:23 AM)JetlinerX Wrote: THIS IS AN ATTIC PSA!!!
~This has been a PSA from JetlinerX
True. People need to open their minds and realize that it is not always going to be as simple as every other story. I really applauded you for stepping away from all the nonsense that other CS follow and actually delving into the story a little bit more.
Not gonna lie though, clipping issues on other campaigns and a little around the main is no excuse to have for yours. Not that it's always avoidable, but that excuse isn't making me agree. Clipping issues can actually take me out of immersion a bit and feel sad. (lol) And some were kinda large. Just try to fix as much as possible and if it is unavoidable, place something to cover it like a rock, shelf, etc. No offense, but take some criticism and put it into effect. We wouldn't say it if we didn't care, you know? It seems like you're pushing us away like what is done is fine. Just speaking my mind.