(01-21-2012, 09:37 PM)ZyLogicX Wrote: Megaupload.com is like a double-edged sword... first of all, anybody can upload anything to that site... to basically, The users are responsible for what they upload.... on the other-end.. MegaUpload.com should of monitored the files they got uploaded...
SOPA and PIPA is what will destroy Internet (even though the U.S. National Congress delayed the Stop Online Piracy Act)
It's what the Mayan's predicted.... 
Basically, what SOPA says is: "If you copy a sentence from our movie into your Movie... you need to pay"
Well I am going to quote someone and I am not going to pay shit
Quote: "I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit
Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets"
~Lupe Fiasco