Thomas Wrote:To clear things up:
Because of major problems we have had with our previous publisher, Lexicon Entertainment, our development on Penumbra has been severly delayed and we have also been forced to cut down on making a triology. Instead we will release "Black Plauge" as the final installment of Penumbra. This will be done with a new publisher, Paradox Interactive, and we are extremly happy that things have finally turned out this good. Not too long ago, we where not even sure that there would be any more Penumbra games, and greatly thanks to the involvement of Paradox we can finish what we started.
To be honest I think that releaseing Black Plauge as a final chapter will be alot better than releasing the two planned episodes. The story will be alot tighter and not have any drawn out segments as you usally see midseason in other series
Does this mean that you continue from where the Overture ends, but with different story than you've planned for starters to continue the two episodes?
Sorry for the double post, it was clean mistake!